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After my rather bizarre moment with 'the shield,' I filled the incident report and rearranged some of the equipment placing. I met superstars such as Natalya, Bobby Roode, and the terrifying Braun Strowman who I learnt isn't so terrifying out of the ring. I had been dropped off at my hotel and checked in whilst I started in awe at the five star hotel's interior. I had never been in such a place before, even the tiled floor was cleaner than my bathroom mirror.

My still nameless guide informed me that I was staying in the same hotel as the superstars and divas and that I was welcome to mingle with them as I pleased.

"Your room is 603 on the sixth floor. I'll be back at noon to take you to the arena, have a good night" he handed me the key card with a dismissive nod and left. I stood stunned for a second before managing my bag in one hand and my suitcase in the other as I searched for the elevator.

I pressed the button and waited for the elevator slightly out of breath. I really need to get in shape.

"Hey wait up" a voice that was familiar came from behind me. I turned to see Seth coming after me, not out of breath.

"Hey" I greeted quietly, unsure of what to say. He just laughed and motioned towards my bags,

"let me take them for you" he said grabbing them from my grasp before I could disagree. The elevator dinged and the doors opened, "ladies first" he winked and I stepped into the confined space.

"What floor my lady?" He asked with a posh voice, I laughed at his attempt on a British accent.

"Six" I replied grabbing hold of the rail as the elevator began to move. His eyes followed my actions intently.

"No need to be afraid, I won't let anything happen to you" he said, his hand brushing mine. "Looks like we're on the same floor" he winked, "at least you're close if I you know, start to feel faint again."

I laughed as the doors opened and I stepped out of the elevator with Seth following. I walked over to 603 and awkwardly stood at the door. "Well this is me" I said with a laugh looking up at Seth who had an amused expression.

"Well are you going to open the door so I can bring your bags in for you?" He asked not breaking eye contact. Oh the door. I looked down and realised I had been staring at the door for no apparent reason. I slid the key card into the slot, the door opening straight after. I walked in and held the door open for Seth who closed it after himself.

"So, what do you think to the arena?" He asked, sitting on my king bed. I was not going to be used to the room compared to my double bed back home.

"It's huge it's amazing" I said in awe as I looked around my hotel room. I opened the bar fridge to find it fully stocked. Thank god. Above it was a floor directory and I quickly scanned it seeing that there was a gym, pool and salon.

Seth chuckled, "Yeah it is" I turned back to face him trying not to look nervous. I don't know why, he read my like an open book. "Find something interesting?" He asked nodding the directory with a smirk.

"Oh yeah there's a salon and you know a pool" I nodded as if it were the most obvious thing ever. "And a gym which is good" I added quietly.

Seth looked at me, "why is a gym good?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

I shrugged my shoulders, "you know, with the struggle of school I let myself go a bit" I looked out the window, knowing I'd be on the balcony to take photos of the sunset later tonight.

"I don't agree, you look good to me" Seth said with a confused expression. The truth was I hadn't let myself go. I was always very self conscious about my body, and worked out everyday. Some days, I would until I nearly or did pass out. But that was things Seth did not need to know.

Recovery // Seth Rollins Where stories live. Discover now