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Colby's 'porn night' went on literally all night. Unfortunately for me, I nearly lost consciousness five times. Colby really doesn't know when to stop sometimes. I awoke with a start, moaning from the pain of moving my muscles. Despite the pain rushing through my body, I sprinted to the bathroom, heaving out my stomach contents. Colby's footsteps followed, and his his hands held back my hair. Another classic post seizure problem.

"Are you okay? Are you sick? Do you need to see a doctor?" Colby rushed out in a sleepy voice followed by a yawn.

I shook my head and wiped my mouth with toilet paper, "This sometimes happens after seizures." I tried to blow it off.

"But you weren't feeling well-"

I cut Colby off. "I'm fine Colby!" I stressed, standing and brushing my teeth. He nodded but didn't look satisfied. He gave me a look that said 'I will get to the bottom of this'.

"I'm going to go to the gym" Colby announced, walking back into the bathroom with his gym clothes in hand.

"I'll join you" I said, walking over to my bags.

"No you just threw up" Colby interjected with a stern look on his face.

I shook my head, "I'll just use the treadmill" I tried to reason. He nodded before turning to change.

Colby made sure I didn't use any other gym equipment than the treadmill. He even checked what speed it was at. I appreciated his worry and fuss, but it was just something that I wasn't used too. I hadn't have someone I loved care for me so much, I didn't know what to do. All I could feel was stress. Immense stress. Usually a go on the treadmill would help relive some stress, but not today. Everything was playing on my mind. Colby leaving, exams, Colby leaving, me having a seizure so randomly, and Colby leaving.

I didn't want him to go, but I knew he couldn't stay. I needed to get away from Colby for ten minutes. I needed my stress relived. But I'm sure he wouldn't not approve of it. He looked over at me every few minutes, making sure I was okay. I'd be lying if I said I didn't find him covered in sweat hot at all, but not even sweaty Colby was fixing my stress.

I had managed to get away from Colby for five minutes on the way to the arena. We quickly stopped at a 7/11 on the way. With no regret, I bought my stress reliever. A $26 pack of cigarettes. The old saying of every uni student drinks and smokes isn't just a saying, it's the truth. Apparent, the boys weren't attending smackdown today, except Colby. They decided to leave whatever business they had for the last smackdown. Colby had insisted on becoming my assistant, and decided to come to smackdown.

We arrived at the arena a little later than usual. Colby decided not to be ready until right before smackdown started. I hoped it was better than last weeks, there wasn't even a point of having smackdown last week. Colby had his arm firmly around my waist as we walked past various superstars and crew to the treatment room.

"So the nurse can stand on her own two feet"

Colby stopped and I tried to pull him along. He looked around the hall. Everyone was silent and starring. Colby slowly took his time glaring at each person before pulling me into the room.

"Why didn't you tell me it had started again" he demanded. He sounded like a father scolding a child.

I had honestly forgotten about it. "I forgot about it" I whispered.

Colby scoffed, "you forgot?"

I nodded, looking at the ground "after I had the seizure I forgot it happened until he mentioned it" I trailed off.

Colby's face fell and he immediately wrapped his arms around me apologising. "I'm sorry princess" he whispered, kissing my head. "Just tell me next time okay?" I nodded, leaning into chest.

Tonight was my busiest smackdown. Although, every person in the treatment room wasn't a superstar. AJ took out a few of the audience when he flew over the barrier, knocking two unconscious. I had a crew member call an ambulance so they could he checked out in a more equipped environment. I was sure that one had a severe concussion and the other had a deep cut to the side of the head. The other two audience members only had minor injuries and suffered bruising and superficial cuts. I was almost thankful for AJ flying into them and giving me something to do. Colby was actually a lot of help. Since there was four patients and one nurse, the ratio didn't work in my favour and having Colby to help eased off a lot of stress. He entertained the child that was knocked over and his mother, whilst I dealt with the more severe patients.

He was very proud of himself when he cleaned a wound and dressed it. Although he wasn't qualified, I didn't have enough hands to do it. Thankfully, Colby is a quick leaner and watched me before dressing the cut almost better than I did. I did keep him away from the bleeding nose on one of the unconscious patients, I really didn't want him going to hospital with a burn gauze stopping the bleeding.

"You did good" I said to Colby once everyone left. "Considering you had no experience, you cleaned that wound really well."

Colby smirked back at me, "Well I learnt from the best." He clamped his hands on my waist and leant down. "But you know, I prefer to be the teacher" he whispered before closing the gap between us. We were interrupted by someone clearing their throat and telling is that smackdown was over and that we could leave.

Colby was in the shower as I stood on the balcony, looking down at the lit up streets below whilst blowing out the tobacco. I felt instant relief. I listened carefully for when the water shut off, with mints in hand to disguise the smell.

"What the fuck are you doing?" It appeared that I didn't listen close enough. I turned to see Colby starring at me with anger in nothing but his underwear.

"Umm" I tried to respond but my mind went blank.

"Are you smoking?" He said in disbelief, walking onto the balcony. His eyes narrowed at the lit cigarette in my hand. He glared at me before snatching it out from between my fingers and throwing it over the balcony.

"Hey! That-"

"I don't care, why the yell are you smoking!" He yelled, taking the pack form the outdoor table. He opened and it and shook his head to see it full. He looked at me with anger as he threw it over the balcony. I stared at him in horror. He just threw a $26 pack of cigarettes off a balcony. And a lit cigarette.

"Of fuck yeah! Darts!" I heard a voice yell and looked down to see a bunch of bogans picking up the pack of darts from the street.

"That's where they belong" Colby spat out with venom, pointing the group.

I mumbled "okay" before going inside, eating a mint. I laid on the bed, turning on the tv, seeing Colby stare at me from the balcony from the corner of my eye.

"Promise me you will never smoke again" Colby asked, walking in and closing the balcony door.

I sighed and nodded without looking up. The remote was taken from my hand and the tv turned off. My body was pulled up from its lying position and placed into Colby's lap.

"Promise me" he pleaded, holding my jaw so I would look at him.

Despite the fact I slightly felt like Colby was trying to change me, I looked him in the eye and nodded, "yes."

After my promise to never light a dart again, we spent the night cuddling and eating room service. I enjoyed spending time like this with Colby. It almost feels like he's just Colby and not Colby and Seth Rollins.

Colby broke the silence as we laid in bed. "I go back next week" he mumbled, tracing his fingers up and down my arm.

"I know" I whispered back, not wanting to remember.

"If you wanna break up and leave things here" he paused. "It would break me, but if that's what you want."

Was he actually giving me this option? What was wrong with him. I turned over, grabbing his face in my hands. "I do not want to leave this here" I said with such emotion it hurt. Colby's eyes sparkled slightly before he kissed me.

"Good, then we will long distance it" he confirmed, kissing me again.

And boy, how that term scared me.

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