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My mind drifted back to my childhood, growing up, anywhere. I didn't see the surroundings, I didn't pay attention. He dragged me into an office, they assessed me like a psychiatric patient. Three words can mean so much.

Post natal depression.

I had failed as a mother. I didn't even see my son as my son. He was just a human that I brang into the word for Colby.

Ever since raw, Colby was a different person, he finally saw me. I didn't know what they were saying, I didn't care. My son wasn't my son, it was Colby's.

"You can go"

I blinked and saw the judgmental person behind the desk nodding towards the door. Colby squeezed my hand as he stood, thanking the person who confirmed I was a bad mother. I followed behind him as he paid at reception, not meeting his eyes. He had papers in his hands which most likely was about my treatment.

We sat in silence in the car. Colby tried to find the words to say whilst I fiddled with my wedding ring.

"Your first therapy appointment is next week" he said, breaking the silence.

I nodded, not looking up. He sighed and grabbed my hand.

"Caitey, I know you don't want to do this, but it will help and I want to help you" he spoke softly.

I laughed and pulled my hand back, Colby moving back at my sudden outburst.

"You want to help me? You want to help me after you seen everything? I am beyond repair" I snapped.

Colby shook his head, "you are not, I helped you last time didn't I?" He raise his voice. "I helped you through everything and I'll do it again, because I love you."

A tear ran down my cheek, I didn't deserve him. He pulled me into him, wiping away my tears. We sat in the car park for an hour, just laying there.

"I love you too" I whispered, pulling away from Colby and putting my seatbelt on.

Colby was determined to fix me himself, not some therapist. He didn't think I needed to talk about my feelings he thought I needed to see why I am Jackson's mum. I pushed the trolley as I looked down at Jackson sleeping in the baby carrier. Colby placed the food in the trolley whilst my focus was fixated on Jackson. He was a beautiful boy, but why couldn't I see it?

I watched him as he slept. How his hand slightly moved or how his lips opened. I wanted to hold him. I wanted to look into his eyes and feel the happiness I did when I first held him. But I couldn't. My body wouldn't let me. I sighed and followed Colby.

When we got home I unpacked the shopping, but I couldn't look at Jackson. Every time I did I wanted to cry. I just wanted to love him like I did. Why was I a terrible mother?


I turned and saw Colby standing in the door way with an in happy look.

"Don't say that to yourself" he said, coming closer.

"I feel like I've failed" I whispered as his arms wrapped around me.

"It's more common than you think" he tried to soothe, kissing the top of my head. "We'll get through this."

One month later.

Today is Jackson is three months old. He's grown and I've grown. Colby has helped me make improvements and I now hold Jackson and smile. I don't even know what changed to make me hate Jackson in the first place. He's more and more like Colby, and I'm no longer jealous. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Colby lost and reclaimed his title, I made myself believe I was the reason for it. So much had happened in my time here, and if it had have happened back home, I would have been dead.

Colby started to let the world see more of Jackson, even if someone else holding him made him want to stomp on someone's head. We had grown together, we didn't just lay in bed and not talk or say how tired we are, we laughed and it felt like a real relationship. We were somewhere after raw, walking around with Jackson in Colby's arms.

"You know" he said, squeezing my hand as we walked. "We should get married again."

I looked at him confused. "What do you mean?"

He chuckled, "you said how your dream wedding would be you wearing scrubs and I want to wear my new ring gear."

"I may have already planned it too" he added.

Could he let me plan the wedding?

"You planned the first one, and I don't get to plan this one?" I asked with a hint of annoyance.

"It's not really a wedding, we could just renew our vowels."

Suddenly it all made sense. Colby was still in his ring gear, Jackson was dressed in jeans a Seth Rollins shirt, and he had me keep on my scrubs.

He lead me back towards the arena, MSG. I gave him a funny look as he lead me back though he halls and into the main arena. Just like before, Joe was waiting to walk me down the isle and Jon had a flower in his hair. The ring had a celebrant waiting in the middle and a photographer.

Colby smirked, letting go of my hand and walking up to the ring with Jackson. I saw him place him into a carrier before Joe turned me around.

"I'm proud of you" he said quietly, handing me my bouquet.

I looked up at him, "how far you've come, I'm proud of you" he added.

Tears formed in my eyes as I hugged the man in front of me. Joe was the father figure I never had.

"Now, go up there and keep my boy in check" he said in serious tone before wiping my tears and taking my arm. I took in a breath as we walked up to the ring. I was more nervous than I was on our wedding day.

Joe held the ropes open for me and Jon was waiting for the bouquet. Taking Colby's hands I felt complete. We didn't listen as the celebrant talked, we just looked at each other. Colby smirked as I blushed. I looked at Jackson and realised how good my life was. My life had a purpose.

"Do you take Catalina to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

I was bought out of my daze.

"I do" Colby said with a smirk.

"And do you Catalina take Colby to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do" I said, feeling like a whisper.

Jackson let out a whine and Colby turned to him, "shhh, just a minute" he whispered to his son.

"You may kiss your bride"

Colby's arms wrapped around me, "Come here you." I squealed as Colby leant me down and kissed me, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Once again, over coming my fears, and being in the arms of the love of my life and our son.

And that's it! Thankyou to everyone who has read this story and voted. I didn't actually think that this story would have so many chapters let alone so many reads. 9k reads, thank you so much I am so greatful.

There will be a sequel! I'm going to work on my other two fanfics before I start it, but it should be up in december. I'll also start editing too.

Is there anything you think should happen or would like to happen in the sequel? Ideas would help so I can make it as good as this one

So, for the last time for this book
Please vote!


Recovery // Seth Rollins Where stories live. Discover now