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There was something about this whole situation that didn't fit right. I was still obsessed as Colby would say, over the whole kidnaping attempt. Colby knew something was happening, but he seemed genuinely shocked when the video came on. Maybe he didn't know about the kidnaping, and thought that I was going to be brought into it verbally. We couldn't speak of that night. Colby still isn't over the fact that he though he killed our baby. But to be honest, neither am I. Ever since the doctor clearly stated no stress, he's being on a rampage of constricting me of what I can and can't do. I feel like I'm useless almost. It's like
Colby has a leash on me, pulling me along saying what I can and cannot do.

I don't know what city we're in, I can't keep track. How Colby managed to split his time between Monday night raw, house shows, and black and brave got me. I wondered how there was even time for me. The doctor didn't like the idea of me travelling so much, but Colby wasn't letting me stay at home on my own. For me, home wasn't a house. It was Colby. I'd lie if I said I wasn't struggling to adjust to his lifestyle. It was new, and with the stress of the baby, and constant morning sickness I wasn't coping. Thankfully I was nearly past that three month danger area for miscarriages. I don't think I could handle another scare. I had thrown up in some many rental cars, that we had to always have a bucket. They don't apparently like it when you return a car with vomit stains.

Colby had found this baby expo in city that we were apparently going to on the way to Monday night raw. We had just finished up at house show, Colby sustaining a deep and superficial cut. He wants me not to stress, but him walking out of the ring covered in blood doesn't help. I spent nearly an hour cleaning the wounds and the blood. Thankfully, the cuts weren't severe. The bandage on his arm didn't bother him but the stitches in his forehead did.

"Maybe you should think about that before you go jumping off things" I lectured as he whined about the stitches. Somehow when he was jumping off the steps in the arena, again, he managed to cut his head on the way down.

"I'm the architect, the architect jumps off things" he stated, tilting his head in the mirror.

"Well if you like I can put foundation over it" I said as I held up a large bandage like band aid to cover the stitches.

"Really?" He said, giving me a displeased look before ridding himself of his tights.

"What?" I held my hands up in defeat. "I was being serious and helpful."

Colby shook his head. "Just pack and up and we'll go back to the hotel and sleep before we head off tomorrow."

I saluted him, "yes sir" before packing up the medial supplies.

"The baby expos on the way to the next city, so we can take our time" he added.

I slept great for the first time since I found out I was pregnant. I would always wake up in the early hours uncomfortable, but I slept all night. Colby woke me up, excited to go to the baby expo. I wasn't sure where all this excitement came from, they're not that interesting anyway. He had apparently 'researched' it and made a list of every stall he needed to visit and everything he needed to know. I loved that Colby was taking this so serious and was so interested on knowing what is what, but I fell like he forgets that I have a medical degree.

"They have information on feeding, how to get them to sleep, how you know when they're hungry, and teething" Colby rambled as we pulled into the car park. Colby was definitely more exited for this than me.

He was still rambling as we got out of the car. "Should we just buy organic baby clothes? Do you think that would be better?" He asked, taking my hand as we walked to the entrance.

"I think that you're thinking too hard about this" I said with a hint of annoyance.

"They also have tips on how to control cravings and-"

"Colby!" I cut him off. I loved Colby's voice, but I didn't want to hear it for the next minute. He have me an apologetic smile and squeezed my hand as we started walking around the expo.
We passed many demonstrations on swaddling, changing nappies, and how to put blankets on them. Colby tried to stop but I pulled him along.

"Shouldn't we?" He trailed off, pointing to a woman who was demonstrating swaddling.

"Colby, I am a nurse I know how to do that" I said annoyed.

"Right" he mumbled quietly. I sighed, and pulled him over to a booth that was about feeding. I didn't mean to hurt his feelings, I know he's excited but I'm just not interested in this.

"Should we get one of these?" He asked nervously, pointing to a breast pump. I shook my head and tugged his arm.

"I don't think I'll plan on breast feeding" I said, walking him over to a stall about dangers of cots and change tables. Colby listened intently as a man told him what could happen if he didn't screw the cot together tight enough. I regret stopping here now as he's going to be a nervous wreck when putting the cor together.

"This is more horrifying than I thought" he whispered as we looked at baby clothes. I put down the onesie I was looking at and held his hands.

"I got these for you and thought we could go shopping after raw" I said, pulling out a booklet on safe cots and change tables.

His eyes lit up and he smirked at me, "I'll look at this before my match" he said, eyeing a black cot.

If having to walk around and have people tell me things I already to know to make Colby happy then that's what I'll do. I realised that I may know how to swaddle a baby, Colby doesn't.

"And when we get home I can show you how to swaddle on Kevin?"

He gave me another smirk, "I don't think he'll like that but okay."

Happy Colby, happy life?

Just a filler. Read my other Seth fanfic 'forgiving you'.

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