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We all sat at one of the most expensive restaurants in town. Only the best for their nurse apparently. I just hoped that Jon didn't get us kicked out this time.

"To our nursey" Jon said raising his beer that he poured into a wine glass to be fancy. "Who is now officially our nursey" he finished. I happily raised my glass of lemonade and downed it.

Here's to me.

On any other occasion, this glass would have been filled with wine. I knew the effects that drinking could have on a baby, which would be hard considering the amount I previously drank.

"You sure you don't want a wine?" Jon asked confused at my drink choice.

I shook my head, "I'm good with lemonade" before going to back to my roast and mashed potato. I only probably gave the waitress a nightmare when I ordered the roast of the day with a million changes. No broccoli, no pumpkin. A small amount of carrot and extra mashed potato with barbecue sauce on the side. I saw a look in Joe's eye that said he knew. He had been through all this before, so probably knew long before I did. Colby was absorbed in his extra vegetables as Joe raised his eyebrows at me to get my attention.

"Does he?" He mouthed, looking at Colby.

I shook my head and tried to be discreet. Joe gave me a look that said 'you need to tell him' that was mixed with 'how did he not notice'. I'm a nurse and it's taken me that long to notice.

"There was actually a reason why we asked you here" Jon stated making me look up. Did I have a choice in being here?

"We have a question or proposal as such" Joe added. Proposal? Am I getting married?

I looked at the two boys confused before turning my gaze to Colby.

Colby cleared his throat. "Since you've graduated, we'd like you to come on the road with us as our nurse."


Am I hearing things?

Have I accidentally being drinking wine all night?

All three boys looked at me, waiting for an answer. I didn't really know what to say.

"What?" I whispered, looking at each boy to see of it was a joke. This had to be a joke right?

"We're offering you a job, Caitey" Joe said slowly.

It was funny how when I first arrived in Melbourne I hated nearly every superstar and wanted to be home as mending them wasn't going to make me the best theatre nurse there was. Now, I don't care about being a theatre nurse. I wanted to be a shield nurse. The shield nurse.

Eventually, after my mental flashback I finally said something. "You're offering me a job?"
God. I say the stupidest things.

Jon nodded his head, "Yes nursey we are."

Again, I couldn't comprehend sentences. "On the road with you?"

I heard Colby take in a deep breath beside me. "C, we want you to come on the road, travel with us, and patch us up." He said with a hint of annoyance. I was just in too much shock to even care about Colby's tone.

"Wow, I don't know what to say" I said, still shocked.

"You could just say yes" Jon pointed out, before going back to his chicken. I ignored everyone else's gaze but Colby's. His eyes burned through me as he mentally told me to say yes.

"Yes" I said, stunned.

"Finally!" Jon said, overdramatically. Everyone in the restaurant stopped and turned to look at us. Dear god Jon.

"So ah, how did you get that idea?" I asked with a mouth full of mashed potato. Both Colby and Joe gave me a look of disapproval. Colby's look was more of shock than anything, I never spoke with my mouth full. This baby really was changing things about me.

"Well" Jon started, "There's already a doctor on the road so we figured, why not have our own nurse?"

I shook my head in disbelief, "and the bosses just said yes?"

Jon nodded, "you were really popular on raw, plus all your tv time."

All my tv time. It made the last month of uni so annoying.

"You're the girl that Seth Rollins gave a promise ring to on tv"

"You know the shield"

"You kissed Seth Rollins"

As much as I loved Colby, I hated him for doing that on tv. I had never being noticed at uni before, no one even knew my name. Until Colby did that live on tv. Everyone knew my name. I did my best to ignore them, but sometimes I just wanted to stab them with a pen.

"So when do I leave?" I changed the subject. All three boys looked at each other, mentally asking who was going to tell me.

"With us, tomorrow" Colby said, placing a hand on my thigh.

"But I don't have a passport, I don't have a visa, I don't have-"

Colby cut me off mid ramble. "It was all organised for you by the bosses, they used the ID photo you had taken at the start and forged all the signatures" he explained.

Everything took what felt like forever to skink in. Job offer, passport, visa. These three words ran over in my mind as I stared at the food on my place, suddenly not hungry. I saw Joe raise his eyebrows as if I was suppose to say something. I just nodded my head and tried to ignore the sick feeling in my stomach.

"Are you okay nursey, you're really pale" Jon commented, looking up from his food. Again, I just nodded and tried to keep my food down. Joe had this sly smirk that said I know what's happening.

I stood as I felt it coming up, "I'm just gonna go to the bathroom" I rushed out before speed walking to the toilets. I knew I didn't have long before Colby caught on and started asking questions. I could just pretend I didn't know if he made me go to the doctors. But the only problem I had, was Joe. Joe figured it out without me even telling him. I just hoped he wouldn't tell Colby. I wiped my mouth and washed my hands, trying to act normal as I walked back to the table.

"Hey your just in time, we were about to order dessert" Jon said, holing up the menu.

I sat down and shook my head, "I'll pass on dessert."

Colby turned to face me so quick he nearly got whiplash. "You never turn down dessert" he said with a suspicious look.

I shrugged and played it off, "I'm just full" I smiled up at him.

Colby eyed me for the rest of the night, trying to figure out what I was keeping from him. The boys discussed our travel plans and told me what I would and wouldn't need. I didn't have much to pack anyway. Just what I took with me before and a little extra. We were taking one of the last flights out so I would have enough time to pack and say goodbye, although the only people I would be saying goodbye to were some of the other students on my floor.

Jon and Joe went back to their hotel and Colby decided to stay with me and help me pack. Colby was intently looking at each photo as he took them off the wall as I packed my clothes. I saw him from the corner of my eye just watching me, gazing up and down my body.

"You know you can tell me if something's wrong" he spoke up, making me turn.

I nodded my head, "I know." I went back to packing and I heard him sigh.

"You're hiding something from me" I heard him mutter.

Yeah, I'm pregnant with your baby.

"I'm just scared Colby" I said, facing him. "I'm scared of new. I'm scared of not knowing the next step or waits for me over there" I said honestly. It wasn't a lie, except I was mostly scared of what he would do when he found out.

"Don't worry, it's not good for you" he scolded, wrapping his arms around my waist, kissing my neck. "How about we take a break from packing hmm?"

Colby always gets his way.

Short I know, next chapter will be longer this was just a filler.

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