Chapter 2: Helping Around The Forest

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"Ayato, where are we going?" Dove asked me while perched on my shoulder.

"Well, from the map that Kuma gave us, it seems that we're heading towards Wester City."

"I see. What are we going to do there, then?"

"Kuma said that I needed to explore the world and help as many people as I can. Since that's the case, I'm hoping that there's something in the city that requires my assistance. I want to help, so I'm up for anything."

I say that now but in reality, I don't want anything too difficult to handle. Sure, it would help me improve my skills and spread my name but still.

I may want to be known but for now, taking on easy tasks was my main priority. If I try any difficult situations, I'm not sure I'll be able to handle it.

So, just for now, I just want simple and easy assignments. Anything more than that will be too complicated to handle right now.

Just as I said this, we heard screaming in the distance. Dove knew what to do and zoomed to the source.

I then activated [Scrying], and she became my eyes.

[Scrying] is a spell that can link me to any animal I please. This works well for me since I have Dove, who can be my eyes in the sky.

[What do you see, Dove?"]

[Well, for starters, there seems to be a herd of deers running away.]

Dove was perched on a tree branch and witnessed a group of deers making a run for it. I wonder what they're fleeing from.

[Dove, find the source of the problem.] I instructed Dove.

[You got it!]

Dove then flew around the vicinity to find the thing that was causing all the ruckus. After a few seconds of flying, she finally found what's making all the fuss.

But, in doing so, she was almost shot down by an arrow. She was able to dodge the arrow but almost getting pierced by one scared her.

[Dove, you okay?] I asked.

[Yeah, but the surrounding area isn't.]

She wasn't wrong. The reason behind that fleeing herd of deers was none other than hunters.

There were about four of them, walking in two rows of two. The hunters in the back were the rearguard while the two in the front were the vanguard.

They weren't your generic hunters like in my old world. These men had leather armor from head to toe and had bows, knives, and swords as their weapons.

They were all looking around the forest, with their weapons ready to kill something.

"Damn, I almost had that little birdie. Would've been nice to cook it up." One of the hunters muttered.

[What did this bastard say?!] Dove was furious after hearing that hunter talk about her.

She was about to rush in and peck the hell out of him, but I kept her from doing so.

[Cool it, Dove. I'll deal with the hunters. Just get back here and stay safe. ]

Dove was reluctant, at first, but did as she was told and flew back to my location. After I knew she was safe from harm, I donned the Terra mask and then hunted the hunters.

It was around noon, so I wasn't going to be able to use the dark to my advantage, but that doesn't mean I didn't have a plan. Since I couldn't use the darkness to help me, the trees and height will have to do.

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