Chapter 6: Getting Answers

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-Rachael's POV-

"This must be the place."

"Indeed, Young Lady."

Grace stood beside me on the rooftop. We were both watching over the noble's shop.

Grace was currently in her wolf form. She said something about stretching her legs or whatever.

"Young Lady, there doesn't seem to be any enemies at the moment. I believe now would be a good time to sneak in." Grace informed me.

"You're right. We should head inside while the coast is clear."

Once we both agreed to sneak in, Grace turned into her amulet form, and I then jumped down the rooftop. Once I found the back door of the shop, I pick locked it and slithered inside.

Unfortunately, the moment I snuck in, I noticed two guards in front of me. They didn't see me, but they're going to be trouble.

Since there are two guards, simultaneously taking them down won't be easy. Even if I kill one of them, the second guard will alert the others.

What should I do? It's possible that I can lure one of them to me, but I can't guarantee success.

Just when I tried to think of a plan, one of the guards decided to leave their post.

"I'm gonna do a round-about. I'll be back."

"Got it."

Once the guards finished exchanging words, one of them then left to scout the area. It looks like I got lucky.

Since the situation shifted to my advantage, I decided to use it. I then went after the guard that left his post.

Once he was out of sight from the other guard, I snuck behind him and stabbed him in the neck. Red liquids started to gush out of his neck rapidly.

The guard started to gag, which resulted in blood coughing out of his mouth. It appeared that he was trying to warn his fellow guard.

When he was gagging, he was making a sound that can only be described as him trying to speak. Unfortunately for him, he didn't achieve his goal.

The guard lost enough blood to where he collapsed on the ground, dead. As always, the sight of death didn't faze me.

Well, since these guys work for a slave owner, I guess I shouldn't feel anything for them. They chose this life, so they should understand the consequences.

Anyway, I dragged the dead guard in an empty closet and then moved forward. The other guard was still at his post.

Since there was only this guard, it'll be easy to lure him towards me. I took out a coin from my pouch and tossed at the other end of the hall.

The guard noticed the noise and decided to investigate it. Once he was where the coin was toss, I took action.

I closed in on the guard and kicked behind his knee. His fell to the ground, and that's when I grabbed his head and slit his throat.

Just like before, the guard tried to say something, but the red fluid started flowing out of his neck. When he completely dropped to the ground, the blood began to spill all over the floor.

All I could see was a red puddle building up. Once again, I am unfazed by the sheer horror of the scene.

The only thing I did was nonchalantly gaze at the pool of the guard's own life draining out of him. I continued to stare at the scene until Grace brought me back to reality.

"Young Lady, there's no time to be admiring your work."

"That's not what I . . ."

"It doesn't matter. We need to move on before things get hectic."

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