Chapter 8: Second Encounter

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-Rachael's POV-

Who the hell is the guy with the wooden mask?

The guy confronting my two targets was wearing a green-cloaked hoodie, wore a wooden mask, and was carrying a bow. Judging from his physique, he's unmistakably a guy.

Either that or a very muscular woman. I'll take my chances with being a guy.

I came to this alley because I was spying on those two idiots. The information I got from that Noble told me that these two know about Marcus.

Since these two can get me to Marcus, whoever this masked idiot is, he can't have them.

"I don't know who you are, but I suggest you leave while you still have a chance," I warned the masked man.

"Is that a threat?" He asked me.

Yep, absolutely a guy.

"It's whatever you think it is. All you need to know is that if you don't leave while you can, you'll end up in the same situation that those two idiots are in."

I then pointed at the two employees that worked for Marcus. When I did this, both guys flinched.

"What's your business with these two men anyway?" He asked me.

"How about you tell me what your business is with them? It's clear to me that you want something from them."

"Well, since I asked first, I think you should tell me your reason for being after them. It's only fair."

This guy is starting to piss me off. Maybe I should kill him.

It'll make things alot smoother for me.

"Look, just get out of here. I don't have time with some Masked fool."

"Heh! That's rich coming from the person wearing a mask too. By the way, what's with the ninja outfit?"

What the hell's a Ninja? This guy was making no sense and was really getting on my nerves.

Killing him is definitely starting to sound promising.

"Alright, this is your last chance. Leave or end up dead in this alley." I gave my final warning.

The wooden masked man stood there for a moment, then came to a decision.

"Thanks for the advise, but I'll take my chances."

He then rushed at the two targets and took off with them. He grabbed them by their arms and bolted.

How the hell did he do that?!

[That man is quick on his feet, Young Lady.]

Grace stated the obvious.

"Yeah, I can see that!"

I didn't waste any time, and I stormed after them.

Man, this guy was quick. When I turned around the alley corner, they vanished in the blink of an eye.

Are you kidding me?!

-Ayato's POV-

I'm glad I managed to get away from that Red Masked Ninja Girl.

Whoever that person was, I don't ever want to meet her again. After I bolted with my two criminals, I took them to an abandoned building where we could speak in private.

I used my [Vine Seeds] to restrain the two crooks, so they can't escape.

Once they were tied up, I began my interrogation.

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