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Drama is so pointless. Please explain to me what the point of talking about someone behind their backs or to other people does for  you. I really want to understand. Why? 

For what reason do you have so many guts to talk about someone when they're not around, but when they do, you act like you're friends or something? If you have something to say, just say it to someone's face.

 Not over text. Not online. And especially not through someone else. 

It is really fun fighting with people? Fighting with your friends is the only thing you have to do? 

In 100% honesty, most of your friends hate each other and you know it. When ever one leaves the rest talk about them to you, and you know you love that friend. But you still listen to what they have to say, even if you don't believe them.

And then they all turn on each other. You either lose them all, pick one side, or they all make up. 

It just kind of amazes me on how stupid this all really is. If you were a true friend, you would know not to say anything about another. And if you really had a problem with one another, you wouldn't go to someone else and spill your tea or talk bad about them. 

You would go up to them and talk to them. Tell them why you feel that way and talk it out. 

No yelling.

No fighting.

No problems.

Everything would be fine because at the end, you would be closer and have a stronger connection and have a better understanding with one another. And you could help each other out when you needed each other the most. 

And don't even get me started on this "well I've been here the longest so I'm closer"

Okay first of all, my mom and dad have know me the longest and they don't even know half the things that go on in my life. 

It's not about how long you've stuck around, it's the fact that they were there when the times got hard. When you needed a shoulder to cry on when no other's were out. When you got so low in life that you were ready to curl up and die, they were there to bring you up to the surface and say "Don't worry my friend, live another day in this beautiful life you have and never take it for granted. You never notice time until it's gone"

So don't take your friends for granted. If you hear one talking about another, you tell them to leave. If they were as true as they say they were, there would be no need to talk about another in such cruelty.

There's so much negativity in the world, why would you want to add fuel to an already winning fire?


Y'all I'm so stressed out with my friends. I'm ready to dump them all and be by myself forever.

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. 

Love,  Kassidy.  

song - until by steven jame$

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