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hurricane michael.
category 5.
200 mph winds.
biggest storm florida has ever endured.

panama city, fl.
roads, blocked for days.
power, out for months.
houses, ripped to pieces.
deaths, up to 50.
hospitals, unusable.

first responders working days on end.
no rest.
no breaks.

chainsaws and generators heard for miles.
little food, little water.
no one was prepared.
florida is never predictable and this time, it showed.

thousands of cries for help, but no one to be heard.
no one to listen.
no one to help.
butte county, ca.

unstoppable winds picking up the burning ambers, and taking them to new places to destroy.

thousands of houses burned, as the evacuees watched their whole life, their savings, get turned into ash and rubble.

only having minutes to get what they could and leave, because the fire moved faster than the wind.

leaving everything behind.
already knowing what they would come back to.
thousand oaks, ca.
borderline bar & grill.
1 gun.
12 innocent people.

you already know the rest.
this world is falling apart.
donald trump done messed up.
bad luck on us all.

photo is of my sister & 2/3 of my dogs before the hurricane started.

also i live in panama city so if you could in anyway please give what you can, we really do need help.
thank you <3

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