Chapter 3: Mr. Wade Wilson (Some Smut)

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Tony's eyes narrowed at the all red and black clad wearing man. Wade pulled his mask a bit up, his lips visible.

His lips attached to yours in a sweet kiss. You chuckled against his lips.

"Wade stop." You said and rolled your eyes.

"Anyway, why'd you call me?" You asked. Tony's heart beat fasten and he became saddened.

He lost his Chance.

"Never mind that. How old are you Wade?" Tony asked and cocked his head to the side.

Tony knew Wade had to be older than 18. Maybe if he wasn't that young. It wouldn't seem weird.

"25." Wade said and smiled. (Just imagine)

Tony clenched his jaw and nodded. The sexual tension filled the room. That's what Tony was thinking at least.

"Thanks Y/N. You can go back to your office now!" Tony said forcing a sweet smile. You nodded and intertwined Wade's hand with yours.

Tony waited until you left and he opened his drawer. He pulled the bottle of alcohol he had been storing and pulled a glass out.

"I owe, Rhodey a 50," he growled and took a sip from the liquor.


You kissed Wade goodbye and went back to your desk. You noticed the tension in the room.

When you brought Wade into Tony's office, the whole atmosphere changed. You sighed and continued your work.

Peter came to visit an hour later. He smiled at you and sat next to you. He played around with the things on your desk.

"So I heard Wade, visited." Peter said with a smirk. You rolled your eyes.

"Whatever. Peter can you go and give these files to Mr.Stark for me please." You asked and handed him a pile of papers.

Peter nodded eagerly and ran towards Tony's office. He opened the door and headed for his desk.

Tony gave the boy a polite smile. In the inside he was dying.

Why do you like Wade? What do you see in him?

Tony dismissed Peter away and was left alone with his thoughts. He furrowed his brows together and let out a sigh.

"How could she, why would she-,"

"Who?" Your voice came through. Tony jolted and looked up, his ears turned bright red.

"No-No one." He said and looked at his paperwork. He started to get a little worried as you stayed.

He covered up his nervousness with a sly, yet flirty, question.

"What you doing here, gorgeous?" You chuckled and rolled your eyes. It's been known that Tony flirts with his coworkers.

Tony felt his heart flutter at your chuckle. It brought a sincere smile onto his face.

"You seem down." You said and he looked at you. He covered up his broken state with a smile.

"I'm fine." As those words came out of his mouth, you knew something was wrong. You simply nodded and left the room.


The next day, Wade took you on a romantic dinner. It was beautiful, he tried to cook. And failed, instead calling takeout.

After the romantic Dinner, Wade wanted to make love to you, but you had to get to work.

Wade decided to tag along and have a bit fun with you.

Overall, he succeeded. He decided to be a little shit and start to rub his hand against your thigh.

You felt his warm hand onto your leg and tensed. You sent him a glare. The Tower was empty.

Tony was most likely in his office. You were in your office. You made sure the doors were locked.

"Two can play this game." You groaned and straddled his lap. Wade moaned in pleasure and removed his mask.

You kissed his lips softly, he took advantage and deepened it.

Wade moaned against your lips and moved his lips towards your neck. You arched your head backwards, allowing him access.

Wade planted small kisses against your neck. You moaned as his lips sucked and bit every section.

He trailed his lips back up to yours, and proceeded to kiss you roughly. He slipped his tongue into your mouth and you felt him get hard under you.

"Someone's, excited." You said and smirked. Wade rolled his eyes and proceeded to kiss you.

You two pulled apart and took deep breaths. You felt Wade's hands land onto your hips.

He propped you against your desk and moved everything. They clattered onto the ground, making a lot of noise.

You chuckled and moaned as Wade started to move his hips, pressing his hard member against Your clothed core.

"Y/N, are you o-,"

You and Wade stopped and looked behind you. Tony was there and had the most surprised expression on his face.

"Sorry to interrupt." He said through clenched teeth. His hands tightened into curls. Wade quickly separated from you.

His erection clearly visible through his tight leather suit. Wade sent you a smirk and walked towards the door.

Tony glared at him and controlled his breathing. Tony laid his eyes on you.

Your cheeks turned red and you avoided Tony's glance. Wade quickly left and sent you a wink.

Tony looked at you, an unsettling silence fell upon you two.

"Sorry, about that Mr. Stark." You said. Tony nodded and started to leave.

"It won't happen ever again." You said and Tony turned around to face you. Anger clearly on his face.

"It better not."

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