Chapter 21: Apologies

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Tony got ready for work, as usual. You were already dressed and making breakfast. Tony walked into the kitchen and stuffed a piece of toast into his mouth.

"I haf tto oo." He said, his mouth full of food. You rolled your eyes and he took the toast out of his mouth.

"I have to go." He corrected and you nodded. He pecked your lips quickly and made his way to the elevator.

"Apologize to Peter!" You yelled and he nodded.

He finally got to the first floor and saw Peter at his desk. He was fiddling with a pencil in his right hand.

Peter's head shot up when he saw Tony. He grew afraid and started to panic.

"Kid." Tony said. Peter gulped and stood straight.

"Yes Mr. Stark?" He asked worriedly. Tony licked his lips nervously.

"I'm sorry Kid. About what happened earlier." Peter nodded and Tony sent him a small smile.

"O-ok." Peter mumbled and Tony patted the teen's back. Peter smiled softly and went back to work.

Tony walked towards his office to see you. You grinned at him and pulled him in for a kiss.

"You have a meeting." You mumbled against his lips. Tony groaned and broke away.

"I don't wanna go to the meeting." He whined, jutting his lower lip out. You sent him a stern look and he rolled his eyes.

He walked into his office to pick up his supplies. He slipped his phone into his pocket then, his eyes landed onto the package.


Tony sighed and timidly opened the package again. He slipped the note into his pocket to figure out who wrote it later on. He saw pictures inside, but it was hard to make out what they were of.

He could see an outline of two kids. One was obviously taller, possibly older than the other. The faces were blurred, which was unusual for a hand held photo.

He looked at the next photo. It was of a man and a woman. They were both standing at what looked like an alter. Again the faces were blurred.

Two other photos showed the family together. Why were the faces blurred? Who would send these to him?

The last photo was simple. It was just a pile of dust. (Lmao)

Tony clearly didn't understand the photo, but still pocketed them all. He peeked into the box to see if he missed anything else.

The box was empty, so he trashed it. He then walked out the doors and to his meeting.

Time Skip brought to you by School! UGH! I started school today! ;(

The photos stuck in his mind. He knew the images had more meaning. But he didn't know why.

He needed to get more information on them quickly. So after the boring meeting he went into his lab.

"Friday, can you help me with these?" He asked and slipped the photos onto the table. Friday scanned them.

"It might take a while sir." She said and Tony nodded in confirmation.

"But for now I know the first one is of Mr. Parker and an unknown child." She explained and Tony raised a brow.

He grasped the first photo again. Who the hell would Peter be playing with in this photo?! The child looked way younger than him as well.

Tony stared at it for a couple seconds. Seconds turned to minutes. His eyes haven't left the photo.

"Sir, the second photo is of You and Ms. Y/N." Tony's eyes widen and he looked at the second photo. He was going to marry you? He obviously wasn't married to you now.

Tony felt his heart leap out fo his chest in happiness. A grin forming onto his lips. Excitement bubbled up inside of him. Then he connected two and two.

The kid Peter was playing with in the first photo. It might be Your and his kid. He chuckled and couldn't stop his grin from growing.

(You know, Tony's so happy! Makes me feel warm inside.)

Ok Let's destroy his happiness.

"Sir." Friday said, concern in her voice. Tony looked up at the ceiling, a smile plastered onto his face.

"Yeah?" He asked dreamily.

"The last photo. It seems to be dust, obviously. But, it doesn't look ordinary. I may be wrong sir. But I think that it's a...person?" She said.

"What?" He asked confused. That made absolutely no sense!

"Well, I'm guessing something horrible happens. And they, may have, died." Tony's eyes widen. 

Well if he were to guess, the first photo was of Peter and his unknown kid. Second was of you and him.

"Wait how about these two?" He asked sliding two that Friday hadn't scanned.

"Sir, that's clearly you with Peter and you with your unknown child." She said sarcastically.

Tony scoffed and looked at the last photo. There was a pattern, so that meant.

The last photo had to be either you, Peter, or his unknown child.

He gulped and stared at the photo of dust. What kind of sick fuck would send this to him?!  Or take a picture of this shit!

Well, now Tony has a job.

To make sure you, Peter, or his unknown child don't die.

"Ms. Parker," | Tony Stark x Reader Where stories live. Discover now