Chapter 16: New Info

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Peter, of course! Peter was so naive when it came to his heros. You tried to access his passcode but failed.

You sighed and put the phone into your pocket. You walked out of the office to see Peter walking out of the lab.

"Bye, Mr. Stark." He said smiling.

"Here Peter, you forgot this." You said and Peter smiled at you.

"Thanks Y/N." He said and ran out the building. You turned to Tony.

"Tony, Peter just got a message from Steve Rogers." You said and Tony's eyes widen.

"Steve used Peter." Tony mumbled and you sighed. It was possible.

"We need to find out, I'm going to need the kids phone." Tony said and you nodded.

"Ill sleep over at his house and I'll try to go with him tomorrow on patrol. Maybe I'll get it." You said and Tony nodded.

Tony pecked your lips and you smiled. His lips separated from yours and he went to his lab. You got everything ready in your bag and slung it over your shoulder.

"You think you can handle yourself?" You asked Tony, who scoffed.

You rolled your eyes and walked out the tower and drove to May's apartment. You knocked on the door and waited. Peter opened the door, an ear bud in his right ear.

"Y/N!" He said and hugged you. You chuckled and hugged him back. He dragged you into the living room.

"May look who's here!" Peter yelled and May hugged you.

"I missed you guys." You said and they chuckled. Peter lead you to his room and set your bed up on the floor.

"I hope this is fine, or you can use your old bunk." Peter said pointing to the bottom bunk.

You decided to use the bunk and left your stuff on the bed.

"We are going to have so much fun." Peter said pulling out candy from his closet.

"Maybe tomorrow we could go on patrol." You said causing him to grin. He nodded and hugged you.

He placed the candy onto the bunk and you both got your picks.

After eating excessive amounts of candy you both fell asleep. You took a nap for a few minutes, hoping to get Peter's phone.

When you heard his snores you swiped his phone and hid it into your bag. You then went back to sleep.

You woke up later in the middle of the night. You heard weird sounds coming from the window. It was left opened.

You peeked out the window and shut it. You raised a brow. Your spider senses telling you something was near.

You turned around and whipped your web slingers onto your wrist. You saw Peter in his Spider-Man Suit.

"What are you doing!?" You asked and he stuttered.

"Nothing." He said and climbed back into bed. You noticed the bruises on his face but ignored them.


You woke up the next morning and got dressed. You had to give Tony the phone immediately.

"Ready to go on patrol?" You asked, you forgot you promised him. Peter's eyes widen and he shook his head.

"Nah, maybe we could go some other time!" He said innocently. You narrowed your eyes at him and nodded.

"Bye Y/N, I'm going to miss you!" Peter said and hugged you. You chuckled and kissed his forehead.

You ruffled his hair affectionately.

"I'll miss you too, bro." You said and started to leave the apartment. You hurriedly drove to Stark Tower.

You ran into the facility and into Tony's office. Tony was sat there, bored and humming. Once he looked up at you, his face beamed.

"Y/N! Did you get it?" He asked and you nodded. You hand him the phone and pecked his cheek.

He smirked and walked over to his computer. You waited for him to finish his hacking.

After a few minutes, he motioned you over. You walked over to his seat and looked at the screen.

Several text conversations were exchanged from Steve and Peter.

"So, which one tells us that Peter told him about our relationship?" You asked and Tony skimmed through them. He finally clicked on one.

Captain America: Peter, how's everyone?

Spider-Boy: Everyone's doing fine Cap!

Captain America: That's good to hear Peter! Anything knew with Tony's life?

Spider-Boy: Nothing Much! Although he is living a happy life with Y/n and everyone.

Captain America: Who's Y/N?

Spider-Boy: Oh, you don't know who that is? It's my big sister! She's dating Tony!

End of Convo

"Peter must've let the text slip out." You said and Tony nodded.

"So Steve did this?" You asked and Tony shrugged.

"Well we better ge—,"

"I don't mean to interrupt, but Y/N, I think Peter's in danger." Pepper said and your eyes widen.

You and Tony sat up and exchanged a fearful look.

"Why?" You asked. Pepper brought up a screen and you curse under your breath.

The video brought up was of Spider-Man trying to keep a ship together with his webs. The ship was split in half. You and Tony exchange a look.

"What did Parker, get himself into this time?"

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