Chapter 10: Guess Who's Back?!

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Tom's eyes flickered between you and the waiter.

"Do you know him?" Tom asked and you nodded, gritting your teeth.

"Yes, we used to date." You said as the waiter in red and black clad leather looked at you.

"Look, Y/N, we need to talk." Wade said and you glared at him.

"No we don't Wade." You said and stood up and tossed a 20 dollar bill onto the table. Tom insisted he pay and gave you your money back.

"Look, Wade. I don't want to talk to you." You said and started walking out of the restaurant.

Wade hurried behind you as you exited. He slipped his mask off.

"Y/N, Please!" He whined and you turned to see the Merc's eyes getting watery.

Oh he is not doing this now.

"I miss you. I should have never been a dick!" He said and you couldn't help but feel bad. But you couldn't.

"Sorry, about the date Tom." You said and Tom nodded. Wade faced you and he gulped.

"Y/N Please.." He said and you could hear he was on the verge of tears. You sighed and faced him.

"I can forgive you, Wade. But we aren't getting back together." You said and gulped.

"Y/N, come on. I love you." He said and your eyes widen.

"Should we get going?" Tom asked politely, opening the car door for you. You looked at Wade who was looking at you.

"Wade, I love you too, but not like that." You said and Wade sighed.

"Fine, but I don't wanna be on bad terms with you. But I'll keep trying to earn your heart back." Wade said and you chuckled.

"Friends." You said and extended your hand out. Wade held his hand out.

"Friends, for now." He said and chuckled as you shook hands. You smiled and walked back to Toms car.

"I'm so sorry about that." You said and Tom nodded understandingly. He drove you back to Aunt May's house.

"So, I had a fantastic time." He said and you nodded. He leaned in for a kiss.

"Look, Tom. You're a great guy and all, but, I don't think this'll work out." You said and Tom nodded understandingly.

"Honestly, I feel the same. You were more of a friend to me ya know?" He said and you nodded.

You both exchanged numbers and said goodbye.

You walked into the apartment to see Peter jumping up and down.

"So?" He asked and you smiled at him.

You told him everything except about Wade. Peter frowned but then smiled.

"Well, atleast you guys are on good terms." He said and you nodded.

"Yeah." You said and headed to bed.


The next morning you raced into the Stark facility. Tony was by your office.

He smiled once he saw you.

"How was the date?" Tony asked a bit agitated.

"Well, we actually hit it off, but we're going to stay friends instead." You said and smiled. Tony nodded.

"Cool," Tony said and stared at you intensely.

"What?" You asked and Tony seemed a bit flustered. He sighed and smiled up at you.

"It's just that. Do ya wanna go on a date, now?" He asked and fiddled with his hands. You chucked. You remembered last time you teased him.

"Yeah sure, Tony. Pick me up at 7." You said and pecked his cheek. He grinned and nodded happily.

"See you at 7, Stark." You teased and walked out the door. Tony quickly called Pepper into his office.

"Pepper, I need help!" He yelled. Pepper ran into Tony's office a terrified look on her face.

"What happened Tony? Are you dying? Is it the end of the world?" She asked. Tony shook his head.

"No I just wanna know something for my date with Y/N." He replied and Pepper sent him a look.

"What?" She asked. Tony let out a deep breath.

"I'm going on a date with Y/N. Should I get her flowers?" He asked. Pepper gave him a bland look.

"Yes." She said and left the room.

"Thank you." Tony said grinning and began to get ready for his date.


You were getting ready in the mirror. You had beautiful dress on and heels. You didn't notice your brother creeping up on you.

"Going on a date?" Peter asked. You gulped and look at your younger brother.

"Go back to sleep." You grunted.

"Only if you tell me everything in the morning." Peter said grinning like a child. You nodded and Peter smiled.

He raced back into his room and shut the door. You heard the doorbell ring and you quickly opened the door.

"Going somewhere special?" Wade asked looking you up and down. You groaned, you didn't have time for this.

"Yeah. I'm waiting for my date. Can you leave?" You asked nicely. Wade shrugged and walked inside the house, leaving the door open.

"Y/N, I know you said we'd be Friends. But can we be best friends?" He asked as he cocked his head to the side.

You chuckled and nodded.

"With benefits?"

"Don't push it, Wilson." You grunt and Wade nodded happily. He nodded and embraced you.

"I better get going. Love you Y/n. See ya." Wade said and tensed into the embrace.

You chuckled and hugged back. Wade smiled and pecked your cheek. He stopped in his tracks when he was leaving the apartment.

"Y/N...." The broken voice of Tony Stark was heard. You looked up at the doorway to see Tony holding flowers in one hand.

His eyes watering as he glanced at you and Wade.

"Tony, no it's not what it—,"

Before you could answer, Tony threw the flowers onto the floor, and left.

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