Chapter 19: He's in my Bed! (Slight Smut)

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(I'm going to make you guys wait to figure out who you slept with, lmao)

Tony inspected the package and raised a brow. He tore open the brown paper around it. He skeptically opened the box.

Inside was a small note.

'Anthony, you are in danger. You need to protect everyone at all costs. Just don't do it. You'll realize what I'm talking about later on. It's going to hurt, it'll feel like your life is ending. But, it's going to work out in the end.'

Tony was really shaken by the letter. They used his name so he suspected maybe you sent it. But he needed to know for sure.

He dug deeper and inside were pictures. He was about to inspect when Happy called him. Tony put the box into a drawer and went to talk to him.

He needed to know who sent him this box. He needed answers.


You weren't frightened by the fact you got laid. You kind of already knew you were going to get laid.

Wade even told you that.

But you opened your eyes and you didn't expect to see him in your bed. You jolted awake and covered your body with a sheet.

He also woke up and looked around. He was confused and dazed. His eyes focused on you and his eyes widened.

"Shit." He cursed and pulled his sweats on quickly. You tossed a shirt and some underwear on.

"Did we have sex?" He asked and you raised a brow at him.

"Just put your shirt on." You growl and toss him his shirt. He nodded and put his shirt on.

"I made breakfast." Wade yelled from the kitchen. You both sighed and reluctantly walked into the kitchen.

Wade has successfully made chimichangas.

"Todays special is chimichangas, heated in a microwave to perfection." Wade said and smiled.

He sat down and you all ate in silence. You had a forkful of a chimichanga in your mouth when Wade broke the silence.

"So should I say something? Cause the readers are dying to know who you are." Wade said and you almost choked on your chimichanga.

"Umm." Wade interrupted him and smirked at you.

"You slept with a nice one here. I heard your yells from my room so I went into the living room and slept on the couch." Wade said and your face turned red.

"I'm so making fan fiction about this later." He continued and smiled. He swallowed his last piece of his food and looked at you.

"What do you think of this as a title? Ahem, The Super Solider in my bed." Wade asked and you rolled your eyes at him.

"A Bucky Barnes X Y/N fancition. Mature audiences only." Wade said and you glared at him.

"Wade." You said clenching your jaw. Wade looked at you and smiled.

"Yeah?" He asked innocently, tilting his head to the side.

"That's Steve Rogers." You said and Wade looked at Steve. He glared at the writer and put his middle finger up. The doorbell rang and Wade giggled.

"My package! I'm leaving." He said and left the room. You and Steve stared at each other for a bit. An uncomfortable silence fell.

Your eyes flickered to his baby blue ones. You sighed and he stared at you. Steve was about to speak but he stopped.

Then in one swift movement your lips were on his.

Steve let your tongue slip into his mouth. He pinned you to the wall and you let his mouth detach from yours.

He left open mouthed kisses down your jaw and neck. You wrapped your legs around his waist. His breathy moans made you whimper.

"Fuck Steve." You cursed and Steve attaches his lips to yours again. You wrap your arms around his neck and your fingers go through his hair.

You rubbed your body against his and Steve groaned. He quickly carried you into the bedroom and shut the door behind him.

All while leaving a stunned Wade behind.

Oh yeah I almost forgot.

A depressed and almost crying Tony was there, too.

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