Chapter 14: Who Was It?

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Tony took in what you said and a look of betrayal flashed upon his face.

"Who?" He asked looking at you. You shrugged and sat in a chair opposite from him. You tried to think of the many people it could be.

You doubt it was Bucky. He wouldn't want to start anything up again.

Couldn't be Sam Wilson, his jokes wouldn't go that far. Clint was with his family so he couldn't. Natasha knows how to keep things to herself.

Bruce was on another planet, well that's what Tony told you. With Thor. Peter was way to young and innocent.

That left one person.

Steve Rogers.

You wanted to believe Steve wouldn't do such an act. He probably didn't want to start a fight again. But, he was a suspect.

"Jarvis, can you track the call?" Tony asked standing up from his chair.

"Yes, sir. It seems to be in a hidden location." The AI said and you sighed.

"Can you figure out where it is?" Tony asked.

"Yes Sir." Jarvis said and you turned to Tony.

"We'll, find them." You reassured him and he nodded. You felt your phone vibrate and you picked it up.

It was Peter. Wasn't he just here a few seconds ago?

"Hey Y/N!" His voice squeaked through the phone. You chuckled and placed it next to your ear.

"What's up Peter?" You asked and Tony watched as you smiled talking to your little brother.

"Well, can you tell Mr. Stark, that I'll bring the suit tomorrow for an upgrade! Can you also tell him to not call it the training wheels protocol. It makes it sound like I'm a baby."

You laugh and turned to Tony, holding the phone against your chest.

"Peter, said he'd be over tomorrow for the upgrades. Also he doesn't like it that you and it the training wheels protocol." You said and Tony rolled his eyes.

"Tell him to meet me in my lab tomorrow. And I'm not changing the protocol name." He said smirking. You put the phone close to your ear.

"He said he'd see you tomorrow and to meet him in his lab. He said he won't change the protocol name either." You heard Peter whine.

"Fine. Well, I better go. Bye Y/N!" He said and hung up. You chuckled and stuffed the phone into your back pocket.

"Back to the matter at hand." You commented and Tony nodded. He pulled his computer out and typed on it. His eyes glued to the computer as you sat next to him.

You had many things on your mind. Was it really Steve Rogers? Or another bad guy who found some private information?

Tony finally stopped typing and bit his lower lip in concentration. He folded his arms across his chest and stared at the screen.

"Man, your hot." You comment making him glance at you. He chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"I know." He said and then started typing again.

"Jarvis?" He asked.

"Nothing yet sir." The AI replied and Tony growled in frustration. He opened the drawer and pulled out a flip phone.

"Steve gave me this. In case I needed anything." Tony said and stared at it. You stayed quiet by his side.

He plopped it back into the drawer and slammed it shut.

"Any ideas on who it is?" Tony asked. Your jaw clenched in thought.

"It has to be someone from the team. I don't think it would be just some bad guy. Because they knew about our relationship." You said and Tony nodded.

"It can't be any of them or Bucky." You said and Tony raised a brow at you.

"I doubt he wants to start another war." You added and Tony nodded.

"It could be Steve." You said silently. Tony raised a brow at you. You shrugged.

"I mean he knew about the small fight we had. About your parents real death. And everything." You said.

"But Steve doesn't know about our relationship." Tony said and you furrowed your brows together.

"Yeah.....Unless," You stood up quickly and walked out of the office. Tony followed in pursuit.

You got into the elevator and went to the floor with your room in it. Once the elevator dinged you ran out and walked over to the couch.

You found your laptop and opened it. You typed onto it and check everywhere. You finally found the right files.

You opened them and hurriedly read through each of them.

"Y/N?" Tony asked confused.

"Tony, someone who knew about our relationship could have told Steve." You said. You hacked into the phone lines. Don't ask how but you did.

You quickly looked at everyone's phone who knew about your relationship.

"Yeah, but Peter didn't. Aunt May doesn't know Steve like that. Pepper wouldn't. We didn't. None of the press know!" Tony said and you nodded.

You stopped typing and clicked on a file.

"Yeah but your missing someone." You said and Tony furrowed his brows together.

"Who?" He asked. You pointed to the file on the screen. Which showed a recent call to Wakanda. Specifically to Steve Rogers.

"A Specific Wilson."

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