Chapter 22: Stress

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Tony was going to do everything in his power to try and stop any of that from happening. He couldn't sleep at night because of those damn photos.

It's just another reminder of what could happen. He tried to avoid you at all times. One thing went through his mind. The only way for this not to happen, was to break up with you.

If he broke up with you, you wouldn't marry him and his unknown child will never be born.

There was one problem.

Tony wanted to marry you. He wanted to have kids with you one day. The thought of his child, looking up to him and loving him. That's something he wanted. I mean besides Peter. He wanted a biological child. Someone who would become the next Stark.

He smiled to himself at the thought. He couldn't stop his grin from growing. Pepper noticed his goofy smile and raised a brow.

"Something on your mind?" She asked, causing him to look up at her. He shook his head.

"No." He said and looked up from his desk. She was leaning by the doorway, studying him. He was tapping his foot rapidly against the floor.

He looked at his watch, he had a couple minutes before he could leave work.

Wait a minute.

He's the fucking boss!

"I'm gonna go." He said and took his laptop with him upstairs along with his phone. Pepper nodded and handed him a folder.

"Thanks." He said and she sent him a smile. It was basically a report on the usual business stuff.

He walked into the elevator and pressed the button. He skimmed through the folder and pages as the elevator moved. He walked out once it dinged and opened.

He walked into your shared bedroom and tossed his stuff onto the bed. He went to take a shower, he needed a break from all those bad thoughts.

He stripped down quickly. He flexed quickly in the mirror, (Cause he fucking would) then got into the shower. He turned the knob and cold water immediately splashed onto him.

"Fuck!" He yelled and jolted backwards. He made sure the water was warm and quickly rinsed himself. He quickly put shampoo on and washed his hair. While doing this, he thought about the life you both had together.

If you were to have his kid, what would his or her's name be. Maybe it can be Anthony Jr. or maybe they can be named after his mother.

He paused after rinsing his hair. He soon realized something.

In order to have a child with you, you two had to have sex. He hadn't thought about it yet. You said you were fine with it, but he was holding back.

The thought of having sex with you, made him a bit more nervous than he already was. It just added more anxiety to his already anxiety filled mind.

He got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his abdomen. He walked out to see you on the bed. You look up from your phone, your eyes widen and scan his body.

Tony's cheeked turned slightly red. Why the fuck is he getting all flustered like a school boy?!

You couldn't stop looking at him. Tony was definitely fit for his age. He had a toned and muscular body. His V-Line clearly visible as you both stared at each other.

"So, are you just going to stand there?" You asked, chuckling. Tony rolled his eyes and went to get his clothes. He went into the bathroom and put his clothes on. He came out with sweats and a tank top.

He crawled into bed next to you. You laid next to him and smiled. You kissed his lips softly. He smiled and pulled you closer to him.

His mind trying to ignore the bad thoughts from earlier. You two soon fell asleep holding onto each other.

Next morning

You both had work to do. You assisted Peter with work. You gave him some files to deliver. He was actually doing more work, and he loved it.

Tony was in his office. The doors were closed as he looked at his laptop. He was bored and just tried to tinker with anything.

He skimmed through his phone minutes after. He heard the door open and he saw Peter walk in.

"Hi, Mr. Stark!" He squeaked and plopped the files onto his desk. Tony sent the kid a soft smile and thanked him.

"You're welcome, Mr. Stark!" He said and left the room. He opened his drawer with the phone Steve gave him. Also, those pictures were tucked beneath the outdated phone.

He looked at the good ones. Not the one that worried him the most. His anxiety was creeping up on him, making its way close to his heart.

He wouldn't let it faze him. Not just yet. The door opened again, Tony looked up to find Pepper or Peter. But he saw someone he didn't want to see.

Wade Wilson.  

"What are you doing here?" Tony asked, furrowing his brows together. Wade slipped his mask off once in the office. He shut the door behind him. He looked really panicked.

"What kind of sick joke is this, Stark?" He asked furiously. Tony raised a brow at him.

"What are you talking about?!" He asked, clearly pissed at the Merc. Wade scoffed and tossed something onto Tony's desk.

"Don't play fucking stupid! These!" Tony looked down onto his desk and his blood ran cold.

"Wade! Where the hell did you get these?" He asked frantically. Wade sent him a questioning look. Tony looked back at his desk in fear.

On Tony's desk, where different photos. All of them looked identical to the ones Tony had in his drawer.

But this time,

The faces weren't blurred, and the man at the alter with you, wasn't Tony Stark.

It was Wade Wilson.

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