Chapter 1-Good Thing

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Yuta's POV

"Yutaaaa," my friend screams as he charges towards me on the street. He jumps in front of me with a wide grin on his face.

"Uh, hi Ten," i say before going back to my phone. I keep scrolling through the depths of Instagram until he puts his arm around my shoulder. I look down at him.

"You know, Yuta, in the land of Korea, us foreigners need to stick together," he tells me trying to sound motivational. "So stop ignoring me on text and come to the bar with us later."

"Sorry Ten, but I don't want to watch you and Jaehyun fight over Taeyong like little children," I explain to him. I lift the hand off from around my shoulder.

"Come on Yuta, Johnny will be there, you won't have to watch us flirt," he whines still trying to persuade me.

"Yes because talking with Johnny for hours about women is just so thrilling," I say sarcastically. I plug the ear buds back in and ignore the rest of Ten's stupid reasoning. We come to a corner and down one road is my house and the other road leads into the city. I hold onto Ten's shoulders and look him in the eyes.

"Ten, I'm going home," I say in a serious tone. Ten jumps up and down in a whining motion. "Stop sulking."

"But Johnny will be alone if you don't come," Ten says, now trying his very best to persuade me.

"Oh Johnny will not be alone," I say. "If I go the only person that'll be alone is me. Just let me stay in tonight please." Ten sighs.

"Fine, but you're coming out with us next time," Ten informs me in a commanding way.

"Uh-huh, sure," I say in response and begin to walk up the slightly hilled plot of land my house is on top of.
"Why would they want me to go drinking anyway?" I mutter to myself as I fiddle with the lock in the door. "I'm not particularly exciting anyway."

After some struggle, I open the door to the house I live in.

"I'm home!" I yell at no-one in particular. The sound of the TV shows me my roommate and friend is home too.

"Welcome back!" He yells as I take my shoes off. I walk round into the living to see him snuggled up in blanket with a bowl of crisps. I slump down onto the sofa next to him.
"Rough day?" He questions due to the tired expression on my face.

"Not really," I say. "Ten just wants me to go drinking with them. I just don't feel like chatting about girls with Johnny today."

"I don't blame you," he laughs. My roommate's name is Moon Taeil. He's a bit older than me but mentally we're around the same. He spends most his days when he's not working watching TV or singing awkwardly loudly, not that I mind. Taeil is actually a really good singer. He is a scientist, I'm not quite sure what he does but I'm pretty sure it's to do with medicine.
"You know I'd go with you Yuta, but I have work tomorrow."

"It's okay," I assure him. "I'll just go and get us some noodles later. Sound good?"

"Yep. I have to do some more work, I'll see you at dinner," Taeil says turning the tv screen off and crawling out from underneath his blanket.

"Yeah bye Hyung," I say as I enter the sofa crease that he left behind. As I usually do on a Saturday evening when I'm not forced out by my friends.

After around of an hour nothing, I decide to get up to go out and buy the noodles. I slip the same shoes I wore earlier on in the day onto my feet and head out of the door with my phone and money in hand.

I walk up the road with my music back in my ears. That is I keep walking until I notice something in the distance. I squint to catch a better glimpse of the person. It's a man in a white shirt. The shirt is cut so a little triangle on his chest is exposed, not much but a little. The triangle has white ribbon that threads it together. His thin legs are hidden underneath a pair of loose greeny black trousers. His blonde hair is parted slightly to the side with 3 little braids on the side with less hair.

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