Chapter 13- Limitless

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11:45 time to go.

Ten's POV

"It's 11:45, you guys ready?" I ask everyone. They nod. "Lisi, Haechan, remember the path way incase we lose each other?"

"Yes," Lisi responds.

"Ai-ra, Jaemin, Mark, you're going in with Doyoung, try to look presentable," I say. They begin to straighten themselves out.

"I think so," Ai-ra says admiring her comfy yet smart outfit.

"Zoë Johnny, Jeno, you're prepared for the outside?" I confirm. They nod their heads.

"Yes, the threesome is ready," Zoë responds. Jeno faces palms.

"I'm not involved in this," he responds.

"Of course you are," Zoë smiles. "We make a great threesome." Lisi and Ai-ra are giggling in the corner.

"Anyway everyone assume positions," I command.

"Wait," Ai-ra says to get everyone's attention. "You'll need these." She holds up a Ziploc bag with the wing pills in them. I look, there's only 4.

"Ai-ra there's not enough," Lisi says.

"Sure there is," she smiles. "One for Mark, one for Zoë, one for Johnny and one for Haechan." Lisi shakes her head.

"We need one for Yuta," she reminds Ai-ra. Ai-ra's eyes widen, she's forgotten about him.

"It's okay," Haechan chips in. "I'll forfeit, Yuta needs it more than me. And I won't be on the front lines anyway. Also I have Lisi to protect me."

"Are you sure?" Ai-ra asks sounding worried. "I can go back and get another."

"We don't have time," Haechan argues. "My wings haven't worn out yet and once Yuta's escaped I can go back and get one."

"He's right," I say. "Just Lisi keep an eye on him."

"Roger that sir," she smiles.

"Be careful," Ai-ra warns. "The more magic you use, the quicker the wings face away." Haechan nods and we all make our way to our starting positions.

Sicheng's POV

It's 11:45, I'm stood in the back room waiting for the noise of guests to enter. My suit is black with a green tie that matches Meili's wings. From what I've heard, her dress has a pink flower on to match my wings. I'm Not going to lie, I'm terrified. My dad is sitting in the room with me to make sure I don't do anything stupid. Kun, another cousin of mine and best man, is also here with me. Chenle is sat with his brothers Xuxi and Renjun on the benches waiting for the wedding to start. I finally hear people beginning to walk in. I pear through the pale pink curtains to try and spot people I know. The first one I notice is Doyoung's boyfriend, however Doyoung is not accompanying him, instead it's a younger boy, around the same age as Chenle. I listen to hear what they're talking about.

"Hyung where is he? I really don't want to be here you know," the younger boy says. "I don't exactly agree with what's happening. Especially after last time, something clearing not right here." I guess he's worked it out. I bet most other people have too.

"Jisung, I'm here for another reason," Doyoung's boyfriend smiles. "And there's a reason that we're not sitting with Doyoung."

"Why don't ever tell me things Jungwoo Hyung?" Jisung sulks.

"You'll see in a bit," Jungwoo smiles mischeviously yet cutely.

I look passed the chatting boys and come across someone else I recognise. Actually 2 people I recognise and a couple others. One of which definitely should not be here. It's Doyoung and Mark, along with two other people that are holding hands. If they get caught then they're screwed.

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