Chapter 5- Heartbreaker

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Lisi's POV

"Are you okay?" Zoë asks as I am laying on the bar, stressing about what happened earlier.

"Nooooooo," I whine still not looking up. I put my head back into the bar. " I'm so disappointed in myself." I can Zoë is totally questioning what I'm on about.

"What happened?" She asks.

"I did something stupid," I admit to her. She raises her eyebrows and smiles slightly.

"What was it?" She questions further. "Did you drink too much? Or have sex with a guy you'd only just met, to then have him get together with you then cheat on you?" I give her a funny look.

"I kissed Haechan," I tell her then drop my face back into my arm.

"You kissed Haechan," she laughs. "Way to go!"

"You kissed Haechan?" I hear Ten question behind me. "Lisi come here." I gulp. I stand up and move towards Ten. He grabs my arms and leads me into the back.
"What the hell?" He almost yells. I cringe from pain as he does. "What happened to not disgracing your family?" I bow my head in shame.

"I didn't mean to," I tell him. He snarls.

"Don't make the same mistakes I did," I tells me like an old man lecturing his son or something. "You have no idea how much I regret it." He begins to his jumper.

"I can't help the fact I like him," I complain. "But I won't do it again. They won't find out." I try to insist, but Ten continues to try and prove his point.

"You've never seen my wings before have you?" Ten asks. I shake my head. All I know about them is that they're ruined and he'll never be able to use them again. He closes his eyes and a pair of grey wings begin to arise from his back. However unlike mine and nearly every other fairy's they don't glitter and they've been broken.

"Holy shit," I exclaim in shock. "What happened?" He relaxes his wings to they disappear again.

"I kissed a human," he explains. "And they found out." I gulp. "They broke my wings and banished me to the human world. But I'm basically also banished from having any relationship because if I date a human I'll be locked up. And it's nearly impossible to find another fairy down here that'll date someone who broke the law." I can feel my throat drying out. "So don't do it again. Your wings are too beautiful." I know you're probably thinking all this is very wrong and we should be allowed to love whoever we fall for, but this law is in place for a reason. The last human, fairy child was evil and sent the fairies and humans into a war. The humans began to hate fairies due to this, so we wipes their memories of the war and have stayed hidden ever since.

"I promise I won't," I tell Ten. He hugs me as he can tell that it's going to be hard for me.

"Lisi," he says with a sad tone in his voice. "I think it's best you live in the fairy world. At least for a bit."

Yuta's POV

The door slams open and a man in black attire walks in. His shadow is cast against the wall as he enters. His eyes are very angled and he has a small nose. To me, he doesn't appear very intimidating. But to Sicheng, on the other side, seems to be terrified. He picks his top up off the floor and runs behind the sofa.

"Go back," Sicheng snarls at the man. "I'm finally happy can't you see that." Even though we're in quite the predicament, what Sicheng says really melts my heart.

"This isn't a good idea Sicheng," the man tries to persuade him. "You need to go back, for your country. To remove your plaits." I stand completely confused. I hadn't noticed until he said that, that both he and Sicheng have plaits in their hair.

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