chapter 4: The village

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Hey. This chapter will only be in Kelly's POV. I know I said that I would give you and insight of what happened to their parents but I have something exciting  for you to find out so with out farther I do this is chapter 4. Happy reading 😉😉😉😉😏😏😏😏.

Kelly's POV

Oh heavenly father. I have never had such a headache in my life. But at least this soft bed helps.

What the f**k. A soft bed. The last thing I remember is curling up in a ball on the sand.

Okay I need to stop falling asleep until I'm home man. Okay just breathe Kelly. Keep your eyes closed and breathe.

" hey sleeping beauty. I know your awake." A masculine voice said.

There is no why in hell I can calm down now. Then I felt the bed dip. I gathered all my courage and spoke with my eyes still closed. Wanting to wake and have someone tell me it was just a bad dream.

" Where am I?"
" Open your eyes and see."

I shut my eyes tighter.

"Oh come on we don't bite."

I finally I decided to open my eyes and oh my God what I saw was amazing.

I saw a that I was laying down on a mattress made up of dried leaves and was covered weaven  grass which gave the room a wonderful smell. The walls of the room were made up of mud and small stones which gave the room a homey yet old feeling. The roof was made of old banana leaves and water grass. Which allowed the sun to peak in but not too much. The small hut looked like it could with stand even the strongest storms.
I could definitely tell that I was in the Caribbean. There was no door but a piece of tree bark in the door way that didn't provide much privacy.

The boy looked at me smiling as a looked around the little hut in awe. I thought I was a nature freak. If this place was painted blue,black and white I would most definitely see my self living here but since not my gut is screaming at me to scream bloody murder in hopes that Justin would hear.

"Kelly are you okay?" He asked concern clearly written on his face.
"Fine. Wait how do you know my name?"
"I... I don't"
"But you just said it."
"Tha.. That's your name. Luc..lucky guess I guess. So want to go look outside?"

My guts tell me not to trust him. Any one who stammers is either telling a lie or hiding something but don't have the have the power to fight with anyone and a little walk and sunlight would do me good right about now.

"Sure. Why not." I said completely disregarding the fact that he changed the subject.

Outside was magnificent. There were little huts like the one that I woke up in. All line out neatly like the houses in a housing scheme. Some big, some small. But one hut stood out. Well it wasn't really a hut. It was more of a house then a hut really.

It looked really modern. From what I could see it was made of blocks and cement and  mud and stones like the rest. Besides looking modern it looked like it was the oldest and the least mentianed. It was covered with muck and some weird green stuff. There parricides growing up the sides of  house.

I was about ask him about it then I remembered I don't know his name. Then as if he could read my mind he said
"Oh my name is Austin by the way."
" Kelly. Kelly Ross."
" No last name required. So formal." He said smiling.

My smile dropped as I remembered that,that is exactly what Justin said when we met. Wait Austin Justin something's fishy here.

"Kelly is something wrong?"
"'s nothing" I said not wanting to him anything. I mean I just met him.

Then I felt a cold yet warm finger on my chin. Austin made me look into his blueish - grey eyes. Dam why did it have to be blue. My one weakness.

"Kelly you should know that you can tell me anything. I will always be there to help and to save you."

"But you don't even know me"
" maybe so but I never turn anyone away. I know what will make you feel better."
"And that is?" I ask questioning.
"A little girl talk." He said winking. He must be joking because there is no way in  hell I was going to do girl talk with a boy. It kinda takes the girl out of it.
"Me of course." He said smirking.
" You must be out a your dam mind."
"Calm down. I was just joking. There is no way in hell that I would ever do girl talk with a moody girl so ye with no girl talk what so ever but I do know someone. Wait here a minute." He said walking a way.
"A will be back" he shouted from a distance. Boys.

"Hey. Kelly."
Austin said snapping me out of my thoughts of Justin. I don't know why but I miss him.

" Kelly meet my friend Ally.
Ally this is Kelly."
"Kelly I heard have so  Much abo..." She was cut off by  Austin nugging her in the shoulder. I furrowed  my eyes at them and Austin said
"I told her all about how I found you. That's all nothing more right Ally"

I just realized Austin and Ally. I loved that show.

"Ye right that's exactly what I was going to say."
"Okay but can you tell that?"
"That what?" Austin asked in confusion.
"How I got here"
"Oh you don't remember?"
"No not really"
"Well it was like five In morning and I was going to catch some fish of breakfast. I know what your thinking but save all questions for after. When I was walking back I saw some pieces of metal and in the sea I saw oil so I knew that a ship had crushed. Again. Then I heard loud sobs. It is just in my nature to take up and take care for all of the people that get ship wrecked here. So I followed the sounds to find a beautiful girl curled up in a ball on the sand crying loudly in her sleep. And to make a long story short I picked you up and brought you here."

At this I stood there jaw drop. I have no idea what to ask. There are so many questions running through my mind and I have no idea what to feel. I felted shocked, angry, vulnerable, valuated and I don't even want to list the rest because honestly I don't even know the rest.

"Any questions?"
"A lot actually"
"So name one"
"Not that easy" to tell you the truth I do not know what to ask.
"Okay so do you want go talk in private?"
"No I'll just go with Ally"
"Okay. So Ally take care of her. So bye okay so after give her some clothes and bring her back to my hut"

With that he left and Ally took me with her. So I need to think about what to say and ask because I need to talk about it or else I am going to lose the little sanity I have left.



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1355 words.

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