chapter 7

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So sorry for this but I have internet problems so I kinda relay on my friend to post the chapters for me but i had pre written  some chapters from a holiday  for when we have tests and my friend posted them and now summer is coming and that means alot of tests. And as I mentioned I am not the fastest writer nor am one to break promises so each and every chapter will have at least 1000 words and at least one cliff hanger ( not a promise just something I thought would be cool). And I am slightly getting tried of exiting out the bad words so this is now PG 14 thank  you all .

Quick recap

Justin found a girl in the woods and was in the middle of getting some answers when:



'Well to answer your first question you are at.....'

"To tell you the truth I honestly don't know sir" said the girl.
"What! How the fuck can you not know where the fuck you live. And don't you call me sir again its fucking annoying!"

I practically shout making her tremble and fall back to the ground but I honestly don't give a fuck my life source is ticking.

"Now your going to tell me all the fucking knowledge in that punny little head of yours are I leave you to continue running."

I am so fucking aggregated right now. The only thing I care about right now is finding Kelly, her mom, and my dad so we can all get out of this hell hole. I never had a good temper especially when it comes to girls and dumbness.

"Please no don't let me go back to him. He hurts me."

"Well came see why. Bitch do you even know your own name. You look and smell like you were washed in raw sueage water"

"Hey my little sex doll. Where are you. It was very very bad of you to run away from me. You just made things worse for both you and your boss. I can hear you and smell you too. Let's get you home so we can take care of  that." Said an unknown voice.

I  immediately shut up by the sound of a masculine voice saying those words and the girl clapping her hand over her mouth to stop some of her sobs. I turned towards her with  apologetic eyes and whispered
"Is he the person that does this to you?"

And she slowly nodes her head yes while tears flow down her already stained cheeks. I feel so awful for taking all my problems on her.

"Come on I'm going to get you to the shore and then your going to swim as far as you possibly can and stay completely still until I come for you okay?"

She nodes again as I scoop her up bridal style and began to run. As I took her a couple of steps I stepped on a large tree branch making break with a loud sound.

"There you are bitch"

The voice from before said now running after us.

Finally I saw the coast line. I pressed a little harder. Then out of no where there was loud BANG. And then there was I shooting pain in my right leg.

It felt like a million little fire ants were biting the same spot on my leg at the same time. I fell to the ground but it feels like time stopped and then slowly started again in that moment.

"Mister Justin!"
I heard the girl shout.
"No! Stay with me! Stay with Shelly. I will take care of you."
"Shelly. That is a nice name. I am going to bleed out any ways but you have a chance. Go to the water and hide."
"No I will not"

And then she did the weirdest thing. She licked her hand and placed it on my leg then she placed her lips on my forehead.

Her lips were not like a normal girl. Her's burned. Like when you put your hand over fire. Her lips were also chapped but they were like heating vents.

Then she started to move her lips and said something like what you would find in a Harry Potter book.

" Rictusempra ,Tarantallegra, Finite Incantatem,Tarantallegra, Finite Incantatem."

"Rictusempra,Tarantallegra, Finite Incantatem!"

While saying this she was rubbing her hand up and down my injured leg.

I looked up at Shelly to see that her once hazel eyes had now turned dark green and her once messy chocolate brown hair was now as black as crocoal and was now literally floating. It was like her hair defying gravity. I know I should be freaking out right now but some part of me felt comfortable like I have seen this before.

Then she stopped. The burning sensation that was on her lips and the freezing one on my leg stopped. It all stopped. No more pain. I looked back at it and no more hole. Not even a scar.

Then I looked to Shelly. She is perfectly fine. Not even the stains from her tears. No more bruises and cuts. Even her clothes are different. She is in a Ruby red thigh length dress. She looks like the normal popular girl at a high school. Except her dark glowing green eyes and now her hair is laying perfectly down to her waist.

We sat there in silence until the man that shot me came running out of the woods. Wait did time actually stop because that took way too long for him to come out the bushes.

I looked at him taking in his appearance. He looks as if he is in mid forties with his salt and pepper hair. He has wrinkled white skin. He is around 5'6 and looks quite buff. Not as buff as me thought. He is now wearing a devilish smirk looking between Shelly and I.

Wait he called  Shelly a sex doll. Shelly is like sixteen. He is a sick twisted pervert.

"So you decided to stay with the rip off that sold you in the first place? Your so dumb he doesn't want you."

"Fuck  you,you sick desperate pervert. Go fuck with someone your own size" I shouted.

"Wait, your him. Your finally here. Holy shit I got so many complaints about this place"
"The hell you talking bout. I don't know you"
" okay sure you don't. So I need a doll"

'Redeorcus, strieum'  someone from behind said.

Then the man started floating and hold his neck. I looked behind me and saw Shelly. She wasn't like she was a while ago. Her eyes were full black, her hair was a dark crimson and she was super pale and glowing.

Then I heard a snapping sound and the man fell to the ground. Dead.

I looked around at Shelly terrified. She was crying and screaming.

"Shelly,what did you do"
"I don't know. I.... Don't.... Know. I.... Didn't... Mean... To. ... Please."



Don don don. I mean the hell? How can you be a which and a rape victim at the same time? She is so scared. I wonder she is feeling. I know that there was no Kelly in this chapter so next time. I would really like your opinions so please vote and comment please at the moment I have no motivation  but next.


1257 words.

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