chapter 13

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"Yes Justin; I'm your twin brother."

I was still in my monster form and on top of him.

I slowly got off of him while trying to let the thought seep in that I have a twin brother. I have a twin brother. I have a twin brot...

You know what fuck this. I don't believe this. He just some weirdo that claims that he is related to me. And that feeling was probably caused by lack of sleep or something. Okay maybe I am just making up excuses but how come I don't have any other memories of this guy?

"Justin? You okay?" Kelly asked with concern written all over her voice and face.

"Sure I'm perfectly fine. Nothing wrong with me. You know what I'm tried so if you don't mind 'brother' can you lead me to some where, where I can sleep. Please."

With that I didn't even wait for him to get up. I stormed off in the direction of the nearest hut, tore of the door, then threw out the persons in it that were not doing anything holy and fell face first on the bed.

I tried to fall asleep but knowing what they were doing I came out and did the same next door. Then I took the best rest of my life.


"What the hell just happened?"

I want to know the truth what the actual fuck just happened? I am as confused as a someone trying to understand a two year old's colouring.

If I just found out I had a twin I would ligit shit my self. I would hug and cuddle with them then ask questions later but he just shrugged it off like it was no big deal and went to sleep.

I realized that I was curled up in a ball trembling.

"Um Kelly?"
"Stay the hell away from me."
"What? Did you not just hear what i just said?"
"I'm sorry." He sighed. For a moment I truly thought he was sorry but then I thought he raped me.

"Bitch you fucking raped me! You took my precious jewels! You violated my mother fucking body!"
"Would you shut up!"
"Shut up? You have the nerve to tell me to shut up?"
"Yes. I need to think."
"What's there to think about other than the fact tha"
"Oh come on. Are that self absorb that you don't see the crisis here or are you just that stupid?( then he looked to the sky and said) Dare Lord I know
I'm a demon but why did I have to have such an idiotic mate?"
"Excuse me? Your delusional if you think that I would be with you for eve..." I was cut off of my sentence when Austin who was recently laying on the ground with a few broken  bones got up and swong me around and crashed him lips with mine.

It was a strange but at the same time comforting feeling. I hate to admit this but I love this feeling. I love how his hands carefully explore my body going anywhere it feels like. Like how natural his body feels against mine. I want more of him no I need more of him. This feeling is indescribable. Oh my Lordy Lord I'm in love with my raper. And I wouldn't ask for anything else in replacement for this moment.

Then he pulls away and I pull him back in only to be disappointed again. He looks me straight in the eyes some how not panting for breath and smirked.
"Would you mind finishing that sentence?"
I shook my head.
"Good now shut up whilst I think."
I nodded.

I don't even know why. I mean is that that even the right way to use whilst? I probably should have payed more attention in English class. Oh well. I'm cold.

I got up and left as silently as a person as clumsy as me could. Which if you know me you would know that that means I tripped over practically every branch in the way. Thankfully Austin was too deep in thought to notice the noise. I found the hut that Justin went into and quietly slipped into bed with him and taking a well desired nap.


I woke up with a shaking feeling. Wait I think someone's actually shaking me. I groaned really loudly.

"Well then that did not sound wrong at all."

I opened my eyes at the sound of Justin's voice to see him on top of me with his legs on either side of me.

"I think its called straddling and I'm glad you like this position but we have to go."
"Go where?" I yarned
"Damn morning breath is real." He said rubbing his nose.

I covered my mouth "For real thou where and have you found our parents?"
"Don't care. Just any where but here. We can look for them later."
"Okay then what about Austin?"
"What about him?"
"You just going to leave him?"
"Sure why not? He has been living here for his entire life. Why stop him now?"
"Because he is your and that's cruel."
"Cruel?" He laughed humorlessly.
"Isn't is cruel that he raped you?"
"Ye but..."
"But what?"

I just layed there wondering the same thing.

"You know what, get up we're leaving now."
"No not without Austin."
"Oh so you would prefer staying on this dreaded island with that lieing, deceiving freak." He yelled referring to Austin.
"Oh shut the fuck up. You have no right to call anyone a fucking freak especially after what happened last night." I barked out getting pretty pissed of not to mention that I haven't had a cup of coffee since I've bren on the island. Not even tea.

"I get it you can stay here and fuck half of this goddamn island. I had no idea you were a fucking whore."

That's it. At the moment all I'm boiling and he isn't making it any better. I lifted my hand land it boom on his face. I heard his neck go crack as he landed on the ground with a thud.

"Think again before you call girl a whore and I said I'm not going anywhere."

With that I stepped over him.

Well tried to step over him. He grapped me by my foot and pulled me to the floor.

"Well too bad we're leaving."
"What in hells name is happening in here?"
"Get out!"
"Austin help!please!"
"Hey bro just let her go."
"One I'm not your 'bro' and two I don't take orders from you."
"I'm really not in the mood to fight anyone. Why can't we just get along?"
"Because I don't know you."
"That's like saying that you and your mate aren't meant to be."
"Well to be truthful I'm actually doubting it now."
"Dude denial isn't just a river in Africa."
"How do you know that?"
"Super knowledge. Of somethings. Now well you just let her go. You know that deep down that you love her. Hell its now even that deep down."

Aw I was just the cause of  brother to brother bonding. I thought as he let go of me. Are not. I thought when I saw him lunged for Austin's neck and rolled outside.

"Justin! I didn't mean to piss you off. Please answer me." I heard a feminine
voice call out.

I went out side to see both boys freeze.


They say at once. That's not creepy at all.

I spoke up trying to break some of the silent Awkwardness. Which I still don't understand.

"Um.. Who's this?"
After what feels like an eternity Austin finally spoke up.
"My daughter."


Hey don't think this was in the other chapter so merry Christmas and happy holidays and a happy new year.


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