Chapter 15

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Shocked doesn't even come close to what I'm feeling right now. Dumd struck? No still doesn't feel right.

He loves me. I mean I knew that but I didn't know to what extent. Do I love him back? That's not even a question. I love him with my entire heart and soul and I would give anything to be with him.

Life does some twisted shit sometimes and who came up with that word that causes it most times. Who? Who in all things that's holy, just and righteous came up with love?

Cupid is an evil little sucker. Isn't he? Shooting people. Very rude. I know I got shot and the truth is I would take a million more shots fake or real to be with Justin.

But he's right. I have been behaving differently. I don't know why but I've been really moody. I have to admit.

So with nothing to say or better to do. I walk up to him and kiss him like I've never kissed anyone before. I wrapped my arms around his waist and cloned on to him like my life depended on it. My lips so needy and desperate that it quivers into the kiss.

Then out of no where it starts to rain but we stay put. Him wanting no needing me as much as I need him. I can feel his body shaking  and falling into my embrace as I do to him.

We melt into each other and become. One mind, one body, one heart, one soul. Our hearts beat together in one musical tune. Louder than they've ever beaten before. Like for the first time they're actually able to beat properly.

There's no tongue touching just two different people who have just found they're other half and can breathe freely. His hands don't drift. They stay at my waist keeping me close as our lungs cry for air.
We part our lips and he placed his forehead on mine. I can feel his some how still minty breath fanning over my face and giving me some form of heat as we stand smiling and steering into each others eyes. Not caring about anything. Even forgetting about the fact we're stuck on some random island. But if staying here means this happens all the time then sign me up.

Then he sighs in content." I love you more than you'll ever know"
"I love more than that I can promise you."
"Nope. I doubt it."
"Naua. I love you times hundred."
"I love you times infinity."
"Shit. Um. I love you to the moon and back."
"I love you to the end of the universe."
"Ha I win the universe was no end. Wait. Shit."

We make eye contact and double over in laughter.

"We're such children."
"Ikr. Justin."
"Did you just say ikr?"
"Yes. Why?"
"Don't do it again it's annoying as hell when people talk in text like bro just say the whole thing out. It won't kill you."
"I'm done." He says getting ready to get up.
"Wait." I pull down right on his ass.
"Oww. That hurt."
"Stop being such a big baby."
"Okay then let's see how you like then."
"Good luck trying to get me to stand up."
"Oh got my ways. Would you say your afraid of tickles?"

My eyes go wide as saucers and I can tell he already knows the answer. Before I can prepare myself I'm being tickled and I practically fly up off of the muddy ground just to be pulled back down and roll on top of by Justin wearing all smiles I might add.

"Stop. St..sto.....stoppp!!!!!!!!!"
"Hey stop being such a big baby."

It then it hits me the pose that we're in and my face reddens, probably as red as tomato. Hopefully my wet,mud filled hair that's matted to my face and the rain hides it.

"Hey I kind of like this position. Do you?"

Nope no help at all.

"No. But I know one that I'll like better."

Then I roll over so I'm on top of him.

"That's so much better."

His eyes darken and flickers to my breast for awhile. Then we fall into another deep kiss.

This one more fill with lust than love. As we literally roll in the mud and rain.

He licks my bottom lip asking for entrance but doesn't want for an answer before he pushes his way into my mouth. We both fight for dominance until he bites my bottom making me gasp.

I tangled my hand in his hair and pulled. Making him groan into my mouth which in turn made me moan. His does the same with my hair but pulls far rougher. Making head go far back while he trails long wet kisses along my neck.

I have never been this turned on before. At this point I'm not sure if the wetness in my underwear is rain or slime. Either way its not making my situation any better.

Once he reaches my cleavage he rips my clothes and starts sucking on my nipples.

This is bliss. I don't ever want it to stop. I want him to keep sucking like there's no tomorrow. Like we're not in public. Like its not raining. Like there's zero chances of us getting sick. Like I'm not about to climax on this and his face alone. Like the huge bulge in his pants isn't rubbing against my vagina.

He starts going down until he reaches my area and rips my panties. Then he sticks he tongue in and I want to scream but the look in his eyes says not now. This pleasure is ungodly and should not exist.
Owe!! Another wave of pleasure hits and I'm literally trembling. I want to scream. I need to scream.

Gathering what ever Strength I have left I say his name.
"Justin!" My voice is a cracked up mess.

He takes out his tongue.
"Not yet." His voice is deep and husky and I almost cum again.

My break is short lived as Justin hammers three of his fingers in me and i can't hold it any longer.

I cry out in pleasure. Only to see him stop and take out his fingers.

"I said not to cum. Now you will bear the consciences."

I'm confused for awhile then he takes his belt and beats me like a drum. This oddly turns me on.

After about ten more beatings he inserts himself into me.



Hope you doing fine. It got a bit heated. That was not intentional.
I just needed more words so yea. I wanted it to be just them doing them. You know? Trying to figure out the hell they got between them. And sorry to all thous who talk in text. Love you all!!


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