chapter 6

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A/n hey my lovelies. Enjoy the chapter and read the real author's note at the end.


"What the hell did you do to her?"
Someone's voice boomed through the the. It didn't do any thing good to the pounding feeling in my head. The voice sounded masculine and filled with  worry. It also sounded awfully familiar.

"Ple...please. Do..don't do th..this to me. I..I love you and you kno..know that. We have been through a lot. To..together we can make it out of this."

A feminine voice said. Well more like stuttered. She sounded like she was crying.

"Love is a strong word but it is not the right one. Get out."

The male said softly almost in a whisper.

"Baby" the girl says.


I have always had a thing for consoling and solving people's problems. So my mind decides to try and help the two people.

That's when I remembered what happened. I probably fell asleep that story was sad and depressing. Ally promised me an exciting story but I guess that it's not their fault.

I tried to move but nothing. I tried opening my eyes but nothing again. Then I tried talking and still nothing. Okay time to freak out.

My body feels heavy and includes my eye lies but yet sleep was far from my thoughts.

I scream mentally as I tried to scream out loud and to no surprise still nothing. Then I just gave up. I lied there just enjoying the peace. After a while I socomed to the sweet slumber that has been knocking on the doors of my sub- conscious  for a while and very loudly I  might add. With that that I clear all thoughts from my mind.


"Holy shit!"

I jolt awake holding my chest. It was just a dream I thought trying to bring down my heart rate. My heart is beating so fast that it feels like my heart is in my throat.  

What the hell was that. I have always had night mares since the passing of my mother but they have always been  about fire and not water. To tell you the truth I think that this is my first night mare that was not related  to my  mother's death. Which did not really make a difference because someone still died.


"Kelly" I cried out for her but it was no use.

It has been two weeks since the night mare and three weeks since the ship wreck.

I have been a mess. I have searched every where on this side of the island and still no sign of Kelly and my dad. I haven't even seen Kelly's mom.

I have been starting to think the worst. Like what if they are sick? What if some other boy from the ship made it and is cuddling will my kel? What if she gave up on me? What if they died?

No stop it Justin. If you continue to think negatively you will never make it. I don't want to make it if Kelly is not by my side. Shut up you don't even know her. You know why I feel this way. Do you even believe that. I am starting to. Even though dad is probably hiding something from us.

Wait I'm talking to myself this is freaking me out. 

I also need to find out what that weird alien thing was talking about. Would my dad really hide something like that from....

I was drawn out of my thoughts when I heard screaming. Screaming. Yes! Was this my Kelly.

Then I realized that if someone is screaming that means something or someone is hurting them.

Just then I heard  another ear splitting scream but it sounds closer now. Like it is running towards or away from something.

"Ughhhh" I heard it again and this time it stopped right in front of me.

I looked down to see a girl around the age of fourteen or fifteen. She looks up at me with fretful eyes as tears continue to stream down her bloody face.

She was in ragged torn clothes. She looks like she was been running for hours. She sounds as if she is shrugging to breathe. Her skin is bruised and battered. She has a lot of major cuts. Her eyes look red and black and swollen with huge bags under them. She is bleeding from almost every where possible on her skin. She looks pretty skinny like she hasn't eaten in days. And her legs are a disgrace. They are mostly pink and black. I am assuming that the pink is raw tissue and the black is dirty skin. She looks like she has been raped every day of her life. I am not one to judge people but she smells awful. She wrecks of raw fish.

I look down at her and I instantly feel a sense of pity for her. I reach out to help her out and she flinched under my touch. She seems so afraid. I might not  know her or who did this to her but I want to find the jerk and punch the living day lights out of them. No girl deserves to be treated that way; To the point that no one can touch her. She looks as if she has been through some deep s**t.

"Hey. Come on. You can trust me."I say in attempt to calm her down.
" Yo....u"
she asked in a low unsure voice. I feel so sorry for her.

"Ye." I say in a soft and comforting voice with a soft smile on my face which at the moment is shouting pity

"O..o..kay." She says while giving me her hand. With the unsure still evident in her voice.

I bent down and took her small hand in my big ones and gentle helped her up.

"See that wasn't so bad now was it?"
I try to lighten the mood.
"No. It wasn't sir. Wh..what do I..I owe"

Oh my God. Did she just say sir and owe you. Like the hell I helped her up not save her life well for all I know.

"You owe me nothing."
"Sir please let me do or give you something please."
"No. I will not take anything from you and please call me Justin"
"Oh no sir I am terribly sorry but I cannot. I will get hurt"

Hurt? I ask myself. It was as if she wasn't just crying on the ground a minute ago. Like she just locked up her emotional side and put out a submissive side. It is pretty clear that she will not back down so I might as well get some answers.

"Okay. You owe me some explanations"
"Explanations of what?"
"Where the hell am I. Why were you screaming. Have you seen a super cute girl any where around here?"
"Okay. I will tell you."

Well that was easy. At least I have one piece of this very confusing puzzle.

"Well to answer the first question you are at....."

               TO BE CONTINUED



( evil smile) hi my people how was the chapter. I am sorry for the last chapter I left you on two cliff hangers and now this i know you think I am terrible but it is to keep you reading I will try to update the next chapter soon I promise 🔗🔗. I hope liked the chapter i wrote through a very power writers block. So until next time:

Au revote
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Get it like au revoir (good bye) and vote.
And comment çava (how are you) and comment (that one was kinda of a given).


Time 12:45
1373 words

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