chapter 8

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Kelly POV

"Oh holy shit !" I finally wake up and I'm still in pain why me.

"Hey you fine?"

A voice said. I know, I know  that voice I just cannot pin point it. I guess I should try and open my eyes.

OH MY FRICKING  GOD. It hurts. It hurts so bad. I want to cry but I wouldn't even try. I guess my only other opinion is trying to sit up.

I gently tried to move my hand and luckily they did. It did feel painful. Alot. But not as painful as the eyes.

After what felt like forever and alot of painful needles poking  my elbow I finally got on one elbow.

Disappointment almost immediately washed over me when something else tripped my elbow causing me to fall backwards. Then my disappointment quickly changed into pain. I'm sure I fell on a soft bed but it felt  like I fell on the cold hard ground after falling out of a moving plane. A loud wince  came out of my mouth. My throat felt so dry I didn't even know that i could say anything so that even surprised me. And someone else apparently.

"Whoa there. I'm sorry. But its too early for you to sit up."

Austin. That's the voice.

"Here. Drink this. It  should help with the throat and the headache. I'll just leave you to rest. So just lay there okay? You need to rest. You will probably be fine tomorrow. Bye"

Austin's POV

I gently feed her the blood and left to my hut hopefully she wouldn't notice. Oh who am i kidding she has to find other sooner or later. Why? Why did this have to happen? There is only one other opinion or some explanation to this. She is here with my brother and if I am not wrong he feels the same thing as I. Why did I how to have this thing? Why couldn't he?

Wait if he feels like me wouldn't that mean that he's one of us. But then why did I have to be on this garbage island. Unless this happen recently, then he must be going through hell. Good let him feel like I did. But as a bonus I get to keep his girl. I know I should  probably explain this but i don't know. I basically raised myself since age 11. I had drained all the people on the island by age 14. We are said to be of a rare spieces vamwolf. It is said that vampires and werewolf were forbidden to love but one weird ass werewolf couldn't keep his dick in his fur.  Are does that not make sense? Anyway a vampire and a werewolf fell in love. But to be honest I think they both had issues and were both curious about what it was like having sex with one another. So they did it to make a long story short and spare you of having to hear about how they cut off the werewolf's head. So now stuff like me run around. Well not really run around. They killed all of us except my mom. So when she found out that i was one she put me here away from people and family but I made my own by  biting and turning then selling then to the grown ups if it didn't work. When I turn them they are my property and now Kelly belongs to me and i will put up a fight for what I want.

But this life style is hard some times I wished they kill me but cannot die unless fire and fire is nowhere near here so yeap life sucks.

I mean I know I should be grateful but no one knows man. I'm all alone. I'm a monster of monsters. No one can even imagine what its like.

Whenever its a full moon I feel like I going to  die because most full moons if not all are classified as blood moons.

So try and imagine a gigantic , hairy dog with slopper all over it's mouth,and claws and huge teeth  but that's not all noooo. Then it starts growing wings each the half the length of a skyscraper. Okay maybe I'm over exaggerating. Cut me some slack I've practically never seen a skyscraper but the wings are pretty big. Then the huge wet mouth gets fangs and not just any fangs nooo, while a regular vamp get fangs the size of a twig, I get fangs the size of a branch. And this happens like at least 11 times a year. Yep if that doesn't proves that my life's a living hell I don't know what does.

So to make all the shipwreck people  I had to turn them or else I would have probably drained them of every drop of blood they have. And of course this doesn't always work so I send those people to the older persons or I  get me a nice meal.

I wonder what they do to them? If only I could.....

I was drawn out of my thoughts by a knock on my door. I don't even need my special skills to know who that is.

" Ally! How many  times do I have to tell you we're over. You know what we were not even a thing. I used you Ally don't you see? I was never really in to you?( Well I kinda was  in her just not into her if get what I'm saying) Just go away."

For the last couple of days she has been coming  over here talking bout how she loved me and still does. Sometimes I feel sorry for her. I actually did like her but I was never in love with her. Since Kelly showed up I just ....I don't know. I felt like any attraction that I had for any other girl just up and disappeared. I really did hope that she understood but apparently not.

Then something busted thought the door or should I say someone. I see Kelly is feeling fine.

A wicked smirk creeped it's way on my face as I looked at the sight in front of me.

She's definitely the chosen one.



Okay am I the only one who freaking loved this chapter. Its not longest but its definitely one of the best. Like who can guess what's happening to Kelly. Please comment and I just want to say thank you for voting and continue to vote it does take money so pretty please with a cherry on top so until next time love you all😘😘


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