chapter 12

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Justin's POV

I stormed through the rather large village. Considering that it was in the middle of no where.

I let my senses guide me to one of the bigger huts. I bursted through the door to see Kelly lying down on a bed crying.

I let my anger take over and ripped him off of her and into a wall. I tried to hit him again but then I saw his face and something in me broke. The weird thing is I don't know this dude.

He used this as an opportunity to get up and punched me in the gut and threw me into the wall with force enough to break down the hut.

For some unexplainable, we both started to bleed. We didn't even try. But I know I was in a lot of pain and could not even move. I know he felt it too cause he stopped and staggered before jumping back on Kelly.

He said somethings that I didn't quite catch but luckily I turned around just in time to see Kelly look towards me and screamed my name.

In some weird way it was nice to hear her say my name. Even if it was in a scared way. I just realized that I want to hear her lovely angelic voice every morning when I woke up and every night before bed. And in order to achieve this I would have to be in the same bed and house and in all we would have to be together.

My mate instincts kicked in and I flew up off the floor and again ripped him off her and onto the wall. This time it actually cracked and caused the hut to shake real bad.

"Holy shit! The hut is coming down."
I shouted as I dived off to get Kelly out of the hut with my super speed.

We made it just in time as the large hut fell down on the  boy pasted out in it.

"Kelly! I missed you so much. You don't even know. Oh God I wished you knew!" I said hugging her so close to me that I think I might be suffocating her but as long as I have her die or alive I am complete.

"Justin, I know and I love you just as much. Maybe even more."

When she said that my heart did a back flip that was worthy of a first place medal in gymnastics. Then I wondered how could she feel the mate bond that strong if she wasn't a vamwolf. You know I hate that name thou. Its just so obvious.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here."

I protectively placed Kelly behind me and stood up straight.

"Leave her alone!" I growled feeling rather threaten.
"I'm hurt you don't recognise me your own brother."
"I don't know you and neither does Kelly."
"Well then we'll just have to get to know each other. After all she is my mate too."
"Fuck you bitch!" With that last statement my patience ran out and I lunged at him.

"You fucking mother fucker no one and I mean no one trys to claim my fucking mate for their own. She belongs with me and me only."

With each word I said I grew more and more possessive until I snapped. I began to transform into my monster form. I didn't even know I could turn on less it was a full moon. I had only turned once in my life and trust me when I say it was the definition of pain. I thought that this time will be different but as usual these days I was wrong.

First it was the pain of my bones shifting which felt like it took forever. I fell to the ground as I felt my knees bending in the wrong direction. Then all the bones in my face broke then started to slowly began to push forward into a snout and two long fangs bore through my eye teeth almost Piercing the bottom of my jaw. I could feel my spine retracting  into a humpback shape.

Then the only parts I really could not understand. My entire body was suddenly covered from head to toe with fur as the rest of the transformation continued. At the end of it all I grow huge leathery wings.

When my transformation is complete I got up slowly feeling as if I had just gain one hundred and fifty extra pounds. Which I more than likely did. I turned around on all fours to see both of them looking at me in terror. I was hurt as hell when I saw that she was cuddling with that boy. With fear evident in her eyes at me. This fueled my anger more. That should be me cuddling her from danger. Why couldn't she love me as much as I love her. She said did but its obvious she lied.

I flapped my huge wings causing dust to fly every where covering the entire place. Then I flew up into the sky and landed right on his chest with a loud crack.

He looked at me just as I was about to choke him to death and coughed up blood right in my face and said

"I'm sorry Jus*cough* Justin  I'm so so so sorry but I am your twin*cough* brother *cough* Austin and *cough*  I love you*cough*."

Just then I had the worst slash best flash back ever.

Flash back (third person's POV)

"Austin come on we'll be late for school." (Justin)
"Do I have to?"(Austin)
"Yes honey. Don't you want go meet new people and learn new things?" (Shenelle. Their mom)
"But you already teached me these stuff." (Austin)
"Thought. See you don't know everything. Besides your just three."(shenelle)
"But.." (Austin)
"No buts young man. See your brother is fine with going to school."(shenelle)
"Yea that's because he's a goody two shoes that everyone is going to love and he way smarter then me."(Austin)
"Love more like hate but you did get the last part right." (Justin)
"Justin! We don't do that in this house do I make my self clear?" (Shenelle)
"Don't bother mom he's right." (Austin) then he stormed off to his room.

"Justin Usain Ross! Go tell your brother that your sorry and you better be down here before your dad is ready."(shenelle)
"But I didn't do nothing."(Justin)
"Go now!" (Shenelle)

I went up stairs to his room and went in.

"Austin I'm sorry about...*screams*"

Austin was turning into his animal form.

"Justin help me. *shouts in pain*" (Austin)

"Mommy" (Justin shouted)

A few moments later both parents came running through the door and were shocked by what they saw. They quickly took Justin to the neighbors and Justin never saw Austin again. Not even in his dreams for his parents had wiped his memory of every thing about Austin with only one fault in the spell. Blood.





Hey peoples. How you doing? Hope you liked this chapter.Any ways if you liked it just hit the star and make it glow.


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