Chapter 16

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Kelly's POV

I woke up in the same room as when I arrived in. But how did I get here? The last thing I remember is...

Oh yea. Justin and I had sex in the rain. On the ground. In the mud. In public. Right. Cool. No biggie. Nope nothing at all. It doesn't bother me that we provided free live rain porn. Doesn't bother me at all.

There was shuffling beside me. I opened my eyes to see...

Oh my flipping father of heaven! A naked and yes I will repeat a naked Austin!

Wait did I have sex with him and not Justin. I mean they do look alike.

"Good morning, sexy girl."
"You're a perv."
"Says the girl who's naked in my bed."
"What are you.."

The sheet was pull off of me. Just to prove him right. I was as naked as the day that I came out of my mother's womb.

"The hell!"
"Wait. Did you drug me and rape me!"
"What a way not to accuse."
"Well did you?"
"Yes, yes I did. And frankly, I liked you a lot more when you were drugged."

I think my jaw just unhinged more than an anaconda ready to eat.

"Or it could be because you were screaming my name,pulling on my hair and satisfied me in ways that I am positive is not godly."

What the actual f. What should I say or do to the thought that someone drugged and raped me. So I did the most me thing I could think of.

I took both my hands and squeezed and squeezed and squeezed his not so ' precious jewels'. It was so funny when he tried so hard to talk and I mean tried.

Then my fun was spoiled by food. The only time that I don't want food.

"Kel, you ready for food! What the."
"Its not what it looks like. I swear."
"Well it kind of looks like my naked girlfriend is literally trying to bust my naked brother's balls."
"In that case its exactly what it looks like."
"Can you please stop. It is pretty painful."
"Ugh fine. What is that anyways?"
"Coconut waffles, orange juice and some kind of purple yam. Don't worry it taste awesome."
"Kay but how do you make waffles on an  abandoned Island?"
"Its a long  process of grinding, crushing and all that shit."
"Mhh. These are really good especially the purple stuff."
"Love, the word is yam."
"Since when am I your girlfriend much less your 'love'"
"Since when were you not my 'love' or my girlfriend."

"My dick hurts like a like a.. I don't know it just hurts."
"Well your the one who behaving like a bitch."
"I was just making a joke."
"You know that hearing you saying that makes me want to grip your balls again."
"What joke?"
"Your wonderful,awesome brother over here thought that it would be the greatest idea to tell me that he drugged me and we had sex."

Then Justin had the worst reaction. The dick started to laugh. A full blown belly bottom laugh. He didn't stop until the tears started to fall from his ugly little wrinkled up eyes. But no he didn't stop there he stretched over me and high fived Austin.

"And you believed him?"

My tone just made them laugh louder.
The curtain that was used for a door parted to revile a very tired looking Ally.

They immediately stopped laughing and I noticed that was still completely nude with a completely nude Austin.

"Oh my god."
"Ally please its not.."
"Stop. You can have your whore."

Tears started to roll down her already tear streaked face. Besides the name that she called me, I feel so sorry for her. She tried to run but Austin flew up and grapped her hand.

"Ally please. Let me explain."
"Better than what you explained last night?"

He whispered her name and rubbed his hand across her face so softly. Anyone could see that he loved her whole hearty. I wonder why they broke up before all this. But she slapped it away.

"Go right a head and explain to me why you didn't sleep with me last night. I really want to hear how you're going to sugar coat the fact that you turned me-the wife that you supposedly love and want to start over with- down and I come find you naked with the girl that you broke up with me for in the first place, in bed with you. Go on I'm listening."

I've never heard a silence so damn loud.

Some how he managed to break the microscopic pieces of her heart again.

"Yea, I thought so."

With that she sprinted through the curtain.

"Dude." Justin directed his attention back to Austin to see him on his  knees crying.

"I love her so much. I just don't know what to do."

This was the first time that I have ever seen a guy cry. Besides the situation, he was like four times cuter and that's saying a lot especially since he's still naked.

"Your going to pick yourself up."
"But I.. I Just can't."
"Then how in the world are you going pick up her pieces if you can't pick up yours."

Justin was honestly killing it with this advice thing.

"I don't deserve her any way."
"Don't say that. I mean you have made some stupid and I mean stupid mistakes. But who wasn't? When a man loves a woman and a woman loves a man it is truly a blessing from God. And God doesn't make mistakes. He has your life and her life all planed out. I'm not so sorry to say that your life includes her and her life includes you. Everybody needs somebody to help them fix the broken pieces of their heart cause everyone has been through something that broke them. Some hide the pain that they feel, only to relive it once that special someone comes to dig it up and fix it."
"But Justin you don't get it I am the one that broke her in the first place. I'm the monster that are in her dreams. I took away our daughter and sold her. Do you get the pattern? Its me,me,me,I,I,I. Its me who's causing her pain and discomfort."
"All the more reason for you to be the person to stop it."


Well that was drama filled. It wasn't supposed to be but it happen. So until next time.
Ciao adios I'm done.
Bye bye.


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