chapter 2: the ship wreck

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A/n: I know it's a little early for a change in POV but i think it is important to say what happened in the ship wreck and since Kelly passed out he was the only option  so without further I do this is

Justin's POV

"I said it's nothing "  I said while on the tip of getting up and punching the table in half. Why the f**k did I have to be like this. I was born with an unusual amount of strength and some other stuff too.

When I was young my mother always told me I was special and that she would always be there for me to help me but where the f**k is she now.

I guess I can't blame her for the fact that she died did still it hurts. That's why when she said ' didn't  your mother teach you not to steer' I walked off. Because my mom didn't live to teach me anything much. I walked away because I was so near to tears and for some unexplainable reason I didn't want her to see me like that. Venerable. I may have just met her but I felt like I have known her since childhood. Since forever.


Flash back

" Mommy,mommy. Mommy answer me. I'm right here."I screamed. I tried to look, to search for my mother. I needed her. This would happen to  no five year old, I thought. "Mommy! Please don't leave. you said you would not leave me. You said you would always be there for me". I screamed and cried. I kept pushing on doors only to find ashes. And then I heard it. One final sound. Just as I was giving up hope. I heard her voice shouting behind a door. " mommy I'm here". And with that I busted through the door and what I saw was horrific. I saw my mom on fire curled up in a corner. " Justin. My baby get out it's too late for me just remember that I am and will always be right there with you because I love you". And that was it. Her last words right before she died right in front of me.

End of flash back

Sometimes I still her her voice shouting. Sometimes I think it was my fault. If only I was a little bit faster then she would still be alive. I went to countless therapy treatments but it still hurts like a fresh wound and Kelly just through dirt in it.

I pulled out if my thoughts when the ship dipped and I heard a loud bang. Kelly was hit by a metal chair in the head.

"Kelly!" I shouted while running towards her and scooping her in my arms. After the mommy incident I learned how to run super fast not to toot my own horn but toot toot. It helps. I am sorry sometimes I get so wrapped up in my self.

Suddenly, I felt water. Cold, cold water. Wait water! "We need to get out a here baby. I know you can't hear me but please try and help me"

With that I held her in my arms. Her unconscious body limp and heavy but her face is still beautiful and still has a smile which makes me smile.

I tried to make my way thought the water but the water was coming in too fast but I managed to make it to where my dad was.
"Justin. What happened to her?"he said shocked
"She got hit in the head with a chair."
I said it so casually but on  the inside I was torn.
My dad looked at me like you would at the devil and then jumped on me.
" What the ..."
"Say it. I dare you and how dare you hurt her!"
" I did nothing the ship dipped and the chair went flying and why do you even care she is just some girl anyway"
"You would not understand"
"I say talk before you can't"
"Don't you realize that you hated every other girl that I showed you. She could be that one girl"
"Ye,right,sure. Anyways what happened to her mom"
"Nothing just a that she inhaled a lot of water but she's fine now. I will protect her"

Just as I got us in a life boat I saw the ship sink. Two million dollars wasted just like that. Just great. Holy shit! I shouted as held my breath and covered Kelly's mouth and nose. A huge wave hit almost knocking Kelly out of my hands. I have to be more careful with her I need her in my life. To love and to hold. Then it hit me,literally hit me. The freezing cold water hit me right on the top my head. It was definitely not going to be a good night. There was no sign of land. No sign of light expect the lighting. No sound of anybody. No hope. We just have to hold on and pray that the storm is almost over and that land is there. There ,where I have no idea but somewhere. Because some how we were going to make it. We were going to be together. But for now I am hoping that she wakes up. That she is clings on to life somewhere in there. That she will fight with me. But now we just to keep going and hope we don't die. May God help us all!!!!!!!


Hey my darlings. How are you guys or girls doing? So what you think? It's Justin's POV. Do you like the action. Oh I'm so sorry I forgot to mention I have kind of a thing for cliff  hangers ( hides behind the couch). But I guess it adds to the action and adventure. I'm not really sure what genre this story belongs to I am torn between action and adventure so please help me too decide so to vote so the one we are in now ( which is adventure) just comment adv and for action just comment  ac. So now just:
Follow me
And remember

╝╚╝╚╝  ╩     ╩ ❕


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