So it's me

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Kokichi wasn't sure how long he was out, it felt like forever.

Of course, Kokichi Ouma signed up for something called Danganronpa. He was always a fan of it so he didn't mind taking part in it, he never really liked his life anyway. He was neglected by his parents and his peers bullied him past his breaking point. There was many times where Kokichi had considered suicide but never went with it due to being a coward and still having that part of him that feared death. Yet, he still signed up for Danganronpa. Of course, his only friend who was also a fan went in so he only felt even more determined to sign up.

Danganronpa was a killing game. Well, more like a pseudo one. In which everyone would audition and speak about a talent or personality trait they wanted. Then they would be knocked into a coma as they would now be immersed in the game as their counterpart. Kokichi could still recall what he told Team Danganronpa what he wanted.

"I-I want to join b-because I-I have no real will to live.. m-my life is a living hell and I'm forever stuck a coward.. I-I don't care what talent you give me, j-just please let me be strong! I want to be powerful! I want to be.. a born leader!"

Sadly, Kokichi realized that he wouldn't share memories with his counterpart. He woke up in a pod of a hospital-like room, not knowing anything. When he awoke in the room, he already noticed people were gone while others still slept. Kokichi also noticed that one of the participants, Kaito Momota, getting up from the pod he was resting in, not exchanging a single word with Kokichi as he left. Instead, he left grumbling about prize money. Kokichi couldn't help but to feel disappointed. He felt disappointed because he never got to really experience his counterpart due to him being in a strongly induced coma and because he's not actually dead. He felt it for a moment before he jolted awake, but nonetheless, he's alive.

Kokichi, with reluctance, began to live his normal life again. Miserable and dejected. If only he actually died, if only he could be knocked out even longer. Sure he noticed how long he was able to last, due to the small amount of people left in the area as compared to when he first went in. But, he still had to go back to this life. He had to go back to the intense bullying at school, the large amount of pressure from his mother to get As on everything and the verbal abuse and negligence of his step father. Really with the conditions at home, Kokichi found himself not to be surprised when they didn't notice or care when he was gone for so long. Though a part of him still itched for that concern, for coming home in open arms but no. They don't really care at all because he's nothing but a burden to them.

Kokichi came home from another terrible day of school, he ran to his room and slumped onto his bed. Tears ran down his cheeks as he remembered all the terrible things his classmates said to him since he got back and the new bruises he formed by being shoved around. His only friend was still in the game, he's alone now. Kokichi put his face to his knees, trying not to sob. He felt so pitiful and vulnerable. Kokichi couldn't help but to wonder if he was like that too in the game, or if they actually carried his wish and made him strong. How he itched for such strength. Kokichi's mind swarmed and swarmed with various thoughts. He was thinking to himself like a mad man stuck in a prison cell until he heard the doorbell.

No one other than him was home. His mother was working and his stepfather was out doing God knows what. So Kokichi went to check the door himself. When he opened the door, there was a large, brown case with a small note attached resting on the doormat. The case looked to be human sized, it unnerved Kokichi. Nonetheless, Kokichi used all his strength to bring the case inside the sad excuse of a home.

Kokichi wanted to play it safe and managed to even carry the damned thing upstairs to his room. His room which was empty aside from a desk, a laptop, a small bed, a small TV, and one monokuma plushie. He couldn't afford anything such as huge posters or fancy figurines. Kokichi carefully placed the large case on the floor and stared at it. It eerily looked to be his size. He took the note that was taped onto it and read it.

Congratulations Kokichi Ouma!
Thank you for participating in the 53rd season of Danganronpa! Here is your special prize!
-Team Danganronpa

Kokichi blinked and looked back at the case. On the brown case, he now saw the Team Danganronpa logo on it. With hesitation, he put down the note and slowly lifted the case open. When it was open, Kokichi nearly shrieked at what was inside.

The inside of the case was lined with white cloth to cushion and protect the prize. The prize itself well.. it was Kokichi. The Kokichi in the case laid down on his side with his eyes closed. He looked like he was asleep. Kokichi reached towards it and touched the hair. The hair felt silky and realistic, he quickly retracted his hand. Kokichi continued to analyze the 'prize'. It was indeed a replica of Kokichi except it donned a white uniform with a black and white checkered bandana. Hesitantly, he reached his hand into the case once again, touching the face of the replica. The skin was smooth and also realistic feeling, as if it were porcelain wrapped in a gentle silicone blanket that so emulated human skin.

Kokichi took a deep breath and began to attempt to lift the thing. It was pretty heavy but also surprisingly light. It wasn't nearly as heavy as the case. Kokichi managed to take it by lifting it from its underarms and placed it against the bed. He took a hand and looked at it. The hand and wrist were connected to various ball joints and seemed to be delicately crafted. Kokichi bent a finger to see the smooth motion as the finger bent from the ball joint. "It's like a doll.." Kokichi whispered to himself as he put the hand down. He went for the closed eyes next, trying to lift an eyelid. However, it refused. No matter how much he tried, it wouldn't lift.

He sighed and went back to the case. That is until he saw, within the white satin sheets, was a wind up key. It was black and white like Monokuma. Kokichi took the key and went to inspect the doll. Maybe it's a wind up toy? He analyzed the entire body until he finally managed to find the hole in the doll's mid back. He looked at the doll's well crafted clothing. He saw the sewn four X's on the back of the doll's shirt, all done with a delicate purple thread. There was no time to be gawking at simple details!

Finding the hole between the X's, he slowly placed the key in. The doll did not respond but he did hear a clicking noise, indicating that the key was in.


Taking a gulp of the lump in his throat, Kokichi began to wind the key.

Clink clink

The key finally refused to move any further, instead it started to move backwards. Kokichi yelped and flung back as the doll's body began to twitch. Slowly with it's head down, it began to stand, wobbling on its every movement. After managing to stand, the doll began to set up it's upper body, standing up straight. Finally it lifted its head and looked at Kokichi.

The doll's head possessed a face that was exactly like Kokichi's. Dark purple eyes, round childish cheeks, and all of it being crowned by dark, messy purple hair.

It looked at Kokichi straight in the eye. Kokichi tensed as it started to lift the corners of it's mouth. Eventually, smiling at him.

"So, it's me.." it said.

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