You lied

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"I should really stop my visits with Detective-chan is what you're going to say huh? Since apparently it keeps worrying you." Leader said as he began to open the door to Kokichi's room. Leader began to pull down the medical mask as he spoke. He got back a little late and he was ready for that scolding. However, that wasn't what he saw or heard.

Kokichi was sitting on his knees and his back was turned towards Leader. There was no words coming from his mouth, only a quiet sob here and there. In front of him sat a long rope and by him sat a scissor blade and a letter. Leader heard the rustling sounds of the rope being moved as he saw Kokichi's damaged hands attempt to form a loop. Leader's eyes widened but he tried to control his emotions and just walked in, closing the door behind him.

"So, this is how you see strong?" Leader asked with a serious tone and he grinned in satisfaction as Kokichi flinched. However, he didn't turn to face him and only tried to continue what he was doing. "So, you're giving up?" Leader continued and Kokichi flinched again. His hands grew still as he slowly turned to face Leader. "I.. I tried.." he whispered. Leader saw lines and drops of red prickling onto the rope. Some of it from his fingertips due to dealing with the rough surface while others were slightly coming from his wrists. "You call that trying?" Leader continued and he reached for the noose being formed in Kokichi's hands.

Leader put the noose around his own neck and held it up with an arm. He grinned down at Kokichi as he held the noose in place. "So you're telling me that this is what you want to see?" Leader said with a even bigger grin, his eyes filled with mockery. Kokichi remained silent. Leader's grin disappeared. "This is pathetic, beyond pathetic." He spat. "If you killed yourself like this, you'd die without a purpose. A meaningless death is the worst kind of death out of them all y'know. I died but at least I didn't die so meaninglessly, I was able to leave behind a legacy but this. This will leave behind a temporarily sad sob story of a legacy." Leader explained with a look of disgust. He continued to look down at Kokichi with the noose still rung around his own neck.

Kokichi's eyes darted from Leader onto the Monokuma plushie on the bed. "Right.. you died brutally but you were at least able to prove Monokuma wrong." Kokichi said quietly as he looked down on the floor and onto his damaged hands. "And yours will do the opposite. You'd prove everyone right, that is not a way a Supreme Leader will go and you know that." Leader replied and he threw the noose away, the sudden movement also giving his cape a flare. Kokichi still kept looking down.

Leader went down to his knees and took the paper. "There's nothing written on here either. You couldn't even write your defeat in words." Leader noted as he looked at the paper. "I was going to write something.." Kokichi said quietly. "Like what?" Leader challenged and the other remained quiet. "I'm sorry.." Kokichi said subtly. Leader scoffed and stood up. "Here I thought you were strong but you're just a pathetic weakling afterall." He said with disappointment as he looked away from Kokichi.

"I.. want to be strong.." Kokichi practically sobbed. "Yeah? And you're going to be strong by hanging yourself?!" Leader retorted. Kokichi flinched. "Of.. course not..." Kokichi barely managed to let out. "So you're weak?" Leader asked. Kokichi slowly nodded. Leader's face grew stone cold. He turned around and walked up to Kokichi, going down on his knee. He took a finger and lifted Kokichi's chin. "Whatever happened to you creating your own path? Do you still want to create it?" Leader simply asked. Kokichi looked away in thought for a moment. Kokichi then closed his eyes.

"Y-yes I still do. I-I don't want to die meaninglessly." He suddenly said after drawing a sharp breath. "You're a bad liar." Leader said with a smile. "Huh? W-what do you mean?" Kokichi asked as tears welded in his eyes. "You said you were weak." Leader stated. "Then you said that you don't want to die meaninglessly afterall." He continued. "But that's because you—"

"You lied." Leader finished with a smile, cutting off Kokichi.

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