I'll start my own path

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TW: last part of the chapter has child abuse

Kokichi wheezed as he unlocked the door to his house. When he got in, he adjusted his school uniform and checked around for his parents. Coast is clear.

Kokichi shot up to his room, shut the door, and immediately opened the closet. However, the corner of the closet where he placed the case was empty. Kokichi felt dread flood his body, what if Leader was found out?

"What's up Cracker Jack?!" A familiar voice called. The voice that sounded like Kokichi's but if he were more cheerful and confident. He turned around to see Leader sitting on his bed, kicking his legs like a child. He was wearing a short sleeved shirt and a pair of shorts that he most likely found in Kokichi's closet or drawers. Kokichi looked at the legs kicking in the air. The delicate ball joints on his knees, ankles, and even toes were prominent yet his movements were seamless like a human's. His legs were smooth and clean, completely unsullied by the cruelty of this world. These were the legs that walked by the death of many of their classmates, yet they remained clean like a normal child's. How Kokichi envied to have such clean skin.

"L-Leader!" Kokichi called out. "Nishishi about time you noticed me!" Leader said with a mischievous laugh. Kokichi looked at the open case on the floor, his mouth agape as he looked from the open case to the freed Leader. He noticed Leader's uniform laid on Kokichi's bed, unfolded and carelessly tossed. That was something they had in common.

"H-how did you get out?! Y-your key..!" Kokichi questioned. Leader spread his hands in the air. "It was maaaaaagic!" He said with a laugh. Kokichi scoffed. "Yeah, it was a lie." Leader said nonchalantly. Leader began to get up from the bed and walked close to Kokichi. It still unnerved Kokichi how Leader was the same exact height as him and looked identical to him. If it weren't for the ball joints on his limbs, he would've looked like Kokichi's twin brother. His twin, perfect brother.

"It's my secret and I refuse to tell it to you." Leader said with an unnerving, mischievous grin. Kokichi took a step back. "W-what were you even doing? And h-how long were you up?" Kokichi questioned and Leader's face went back to normal. "Well, I was up since you left. I made sure everyone was gone before I got out of your closet. Clearly I was doing wonderful being shoved in a closet and falling face first in a bunch of your smelly clothes." Leader's voice sounded bitter as he sarcastically described his condition. "S-sorry..! I-I did it for your—" "I know! Now let me finish!" Leader cut off Kokichi's apology, he looked annoyed.

"Anyway, after I stepped out of your closet, I decided to explore the place! First I took off my uniform since y'know it's kinda annoying being forced to wear the same thing everyday. Then, I took some clean clothes you had and borrowed them! Though I had to cut a hole in the shirt because my annoying key and all." Leader started to explain. Kokichi widened his eyes. "W-what did you do?!" He asked.

"Well, I stayed away from your parent's room, that's for sure. But other than that, I went everywhere else inside of the house! Of course I can't go outside or else everyone would suspect you, though it would be funny but with your crappy conditions, I wasn't going to risk it." Leader continued to explain, Kokichi scoffed. He looked past Leader to see a empty and torn wrapper of a small pack of cookies. What the hell? Kokichi sworn he didn't have those yesterday or last night. "I got bored after such an unproductive search so I had a snack!" Leader then said cheerfully. That made sense— Wait.

"Y-you can eat?" Kokichi asked. "Actually no, if I ate I would explode! I'm about to self destruct in 10 minutes!" Leader said with a chuckle. Kokichi was surprised how childish he is, despite his unnerving grins and cold nature when he spat out the words regarding his disgust for everyone's teamwork. "I'm lying! Of course I can! Well to an extent, basically I don't get hungry but I don't get harmed if I eat." Leader explained. "Wait does that mean you have a digestive system? You know, that you poop?" Kokichi asked curiously.

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