I'll take really good care of you..! I-I promise!

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"Um.. I-it's really good to see you again, Saihara-kun!" Shuuichi's friend, Kokichi, said with an awkward smile.

Right. Shuuichi Saihara also volunteered to take part in Danganronpa. He was always a fan and binge watched every season. He was more than addicted to the series. For crying out loud, his entire room was filled with nothing but merchandise. And it was as of recently that Shuuichi had awaken from his long coma, unknowing of what happened. But he did feel some satisfaction when he woke up next to two girls, the three of them being the only ones remaining. He clearly lasted very long.

"Ah Ouma-kun, it's good to see you too." Shuuichi responded. Even if it was nice going back to the real world, he still missed the feeling of that coma, of knowing that he was in Danganronpa. He didn't need to know the memories he shared with his counterpart to be pleased. Though the thought did intrigue him.

"Y-you got home safely, right..?" Kokichi asked and Shuuichi nodded. "Don't worry about me, I'm fine!" Shuuichi said with one of his pleased, yet somewhat unsettling smiles. "T-that's good..! Um.." Kokichi went deep into thought. He looked like he had something to say but had forgotten. Shuuichi was intrigued. "Ouma-kun, do you have something to say..?" Shuuichi asked, unintentionally breathing heavily near him. It was a bad habit he did when something interested him. "I-I remember now..! Um.. Saihara-kun.." Kokichi trailed off. Shuuichi was growing annoyed. "Just tell me!" He unintentionally snapped. Kokichi flinched. "I-I was about to ask if you g-got the sp-special prize..!" Kokichi fessed up. Shuuichi looked at him with curious eyes.

"Special prize?" He asked, a smile starting to appear on his face. Oh boy! What could that be? Kokichi nodded. "Y-Yeah you get it after you p-participate.. I-I got mine a less t-than a m-month ago.." Kokichi explained, though it was choppy due to his shy nature that caused every one of his words to trail off into stutters. Shuuichi remained silent. "I-if you want to know t-the—" "don't tell me! I want to keep it a surprise!" Shuuichi interrupted him, a hungry flare in his eyes. He loved mysteries more than anything but surprises were the closest he could get. Nonetheless, Shuuichi loves to find things out himself rather than have someone else tell him. Kokichi nodded, understanding Shuuichi. Of course he does, they've known eachother since middle school.

School trailed on but all Shuuichi could think about was what Kokichi told him. Shuuichi just wanted to go home to see this so-called special prize. Knowing Team Danganronpa, it could be anything! Maybe it was an exclusive figurine? Or the chance to participate for season 54? Or a meet and greet with a former contestant? Or that prize money they promised (though that would be quite a boring prize) or some other over-the-top prize.

Shuuichi finally got home and was headed to open his door. He felt something slam against his foot. He murmured a curse word to himself and looked down. It was an abnormally large brown case with a small letter attached. "Is this what Ouma-kun was talking about?" Shuuichi asked to himself, excitement starting to well up inside of him as a smile crept onto his face. He quickly opened his door and dragged the prize to his room, which luckily wasn't too far from the door. Shuuichi closed and locked his door and headed towards the prize. He disregarded the letter and admired the team Danganronpa logo that was branded on the box. Slowly, to build suspense, Shuuichi lifted the lid of the box. Inside was something he didn't expect but only further excited him.

Inside was the ultimate detective (he's assuming), eyes closed and arms crossed over his chest. Next to him laid a cap and a key. It looked exactly like Shuuichi, minus the many joints that seemed to have accompanied almost every part of his hands. Shuuichi wiped a strand of drool that already started to escape, this was beyond exciting. He ran a finger alongside the doll's temple and down to it's hand. Feeling the resin that made up the skin and the high quality cloth used to make up it's clothing.

After ogling at the doll, Shuuichi finally decided to take it out of the case. He sat on his knees and sat it down in front of him. Shuuichi turned it's back towards him and grabbed the key. He looked at it one last time before placing the key in.


He turned the key over and over. Hearing the satisfactory winding noises. Slowly, the key started to turn backwards and Shuuichi backed away. He saw the once still figure start to stand on it's own. Slowly, straightening it's legs and lifting it's body off the ground. When it was fully functional, it didn't turn back to face Shuuichi. Instead, it looked at the case. He saw the figure bend down to look at it's cap. "I thought I discarded it a long time ago." It said to itself, the voice sounded exactly like Shuuichi's but more.. gentle?

It put down the cap and continued to inspect the case. Shuuichi saw it run a ball jointed finger along the white satin cloth that was securing it's body. Then it closed the case to look at the Team Danganronpa logo. "W..what the hell is this..?" It asked itself, the tone was hesitant and full of despair. "It's your case. Be thankful to it or else you would've came here in bad shape~" Shuuichi approached it, answering simply. He saw the doll fluidly jerk it's head in his direction. "Who are you?" It asked.

Shuuichi got up leaned close to it, inspecting the face. He grinned at it. "I'm you, the real you." He said with his unsettling grin. He saw the fear and shock in those glass eyes, those eyes that accurately reflected his own. It opened his mouth only to close it again, completely loss for words. "Ah, I didn't think they out of anything, they'd give this kind of prize! It's not that I mind! Hah.. you like so accurate too! And you're a detective, right? Right?" Shuuichi pushed, leaning closer and closer to the artificial face. The doll flinched back and tried to back away as far as it can. "Prize..? I'm.. a prize..?" It asked itself, not looking at Shuuichi.

Slowly, it started to lift its hand and look down at them. Shuuichi sworn he saw a tear or two stream down its cheeks as it's eyes widened in fear. "What.. did they.. do to me..?" It asked in a hushed and panicked tone. So soft yet so full of despair. It continued to open and close it's hands, not being able to process what was happening. Shuuichi frowned. Why is it so pathetic? Did they really turn him into that?

"Hey detective~ don't go ignoring me like that~" Shuuichi called and it shot it's head at him. "So you really are the Ultimate Detective, that's why you responded to me, right?" Shuuichi asked with a satisfied smile. Detective reluctantly nodded his head. "Of course I am.. Because I am.. what you wanted.." Detective replied, looking down at his ball jointed hand once again in woe.

Ah, Shuuichi was beyond delighted. It didn't even matter if his counterpart was weak or whatever, he was still the ultimate detective and don't mention that he looked rather charming when he was looming in despair.

"Detective! Tell me.. how was Danganronpa for you..?" Shuuichi asked as his breath grew heavy, panting at every word to show his never ending excitement. Detective looked down sadly. "Hell." He simply responded. "We kept promising ourselves a fulfilling life but we kept killing eachother anyway. Monokuma wanted nothing but just that, he made sure to provide as much motives as he could so we could all suffer." Detective elaborated as he took one of the Monokuma plushies from Shuuichi's bed and looked at it.

"How did you.. hah.. die..?" Shuuichi asked with even more anticipation. "Did someone kill you brutally.. ah, did you kill someone brutally..? Was your execution painful..? Was it delightfully painful?!" Shuuichi pressed as he started to lean awfully close to Detective again. Detective backed away in fear. "N-no! I wanted to die at some points but I... apparently survived.." He responded. "So many people died and yet.. I survived.. that's not what you wanted, was it?" Detective added as he looked up at Shuuichi.

"Survived? Really?! That's even better! Oh here I was doubting you but you really are amazing! Hah, I'm so excited..!" Shuuichi gushed. However, Detective just looked away in shame. Shuuichi moved Detective's head to face him. "Ah don't worry~ I'll take really good care of you..! I-I promise!" He gushed again. He saw Detective's eyes widened, it wasn't happy. He looked afraid.

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