Thank you for making me realize that there is still a reason to live

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The class president stood behind the podium. He grinned, knowing that he won the votes once again. Tapping the microphone of the podium, he leaned close to it.
"Thank you everyone for voting for me again! I'll make sure to make this final year for myself and everyone else interesting~" he said to the crowd of his classmates. Dark purple eyes looking into the crowd in satisfaction.

He threw it all away, his weakness and his fears. His past was truly behind him, he's a new person now. His home life and school life managed to change for him. Though his home life change was only slight compared to the change in his school life. He stood up for himself to the point that the people he once feared now feared him.  At home, he managed to find it within him to stick up towards his step father while knocking some sense into his mother. At school, he managed to get his bullies to finally back away from him. The way he would confidently insult his bullies back and block their blows had definitely shook them. He was definitely able to end his first year strong and let it follow him to his second and third year. It was all because Kokichi found his will to live and utilized it.

Another thing that changed about Kokichi was the new accessory he donned. He was able to recreate Leader's black and white checked bandana. He would always tie it around his neck in pride. "You're just like a Danganronpa character..!" He remembered Shuuichi gushing when he put on the bandana for the first time. In a way, he was correct. He was imitating his Danganronpa counterpart and without shame nonetheless.

Of course, he wasn't going to just forget Leader. He managed to remind him that there's still a will to live in him. It only made sense to Kokichi. He remembered how he would always back down during his attempts. How he still felt himself fearing death, even when he felt convinced that he yearned it. Now, Kokichi no longer felt ashamed about his fear of death, it only fueled him instead. He was going to live his life and make the most out of it, no matter what.


Kokichi flickered through the TV channels. Right when he was about to call it quits, he noticed a familiar name in the menu.

Danganronpa season 54

Shrugging his shoulders, Kokichi flicked onto the channel airing it. He began to watch it. He hadn't watched Danganronpa in so long, he hoped that he wasn't disrespecting Leader by doing that. It was apparently on the last trial when the mastermind would reveal them self.

He saw the mastermind tease the remaining students, changing costumes in front of them. The costumes all resembled previous contestants as they were all familiar faces. Kokichi continued to watch it with a blank expression. Then he saw it.

"Of course it won't end! People are going to just continue throwing their lives away to take part of this game! There's probably people already doing it as we speak!" The mastermind said, now disguising under an extremely familiar face. Dark purple eyes looking at the remaining members in mockery. Even if Kokichi knew it wasn't actually Leader, seeing the familiar face still felt nice to him. That's when he realized something.

He never properly thanked Leader. He was never able to.

Seeing his face on the TV, Kokichi decided to finally say it. He tied the bandana around his neck, held the cloth between his fingers, and closed his eyes.

"Thank you Leader.." he began.

"Thank you for making me realize that there is still a reason to live." He finished, a smile on his face.

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