That side of you is interesting

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Kokichi wobbled on his way home. His legs hurt for unspeakable reasons. He wiped a tear from his eye as he approached the door. For once, he prayed to himself that Leader was gone.

Kokichi ran up to his room door and went inside. He inspected his room. No sign of Leader. Quickly, he ran to his drawer and began digging through it. He remembered that he told himself that he wouldn't do it again but he was past his breaking point. He wanted to find some sort of twisted relief. He continued to dig through the drawer, panic surging through him as he couldn't find what he was looking for. He was sure he hid it well enough, there was no way someone could find it. As he continued to rustle through the drawer, he didn't pay attention to the footsteps walking by the doorway.

"Looking for something~?" A familiar teasing voice asked. Kokichi turned around to see himself cloaked in the familiar white clothing and black cape and hat. Leader ripped off the medical mask from his face. "W..what did you do..?" Kokichi barely managed to let out through heavy breathing. Leader's face remained in its smirk. "I don't know, what did I do?" He asked. "Stop screwing around.." Kokichi replied. "But I didn't do anything." Leader responded, feigning innocence. He then walked closer to Kokichi and pointed at him. "What happened to being strong?" He asked.

"I said.. TO STOP SCREWING AROUND!" Kokichi practically yelled. Then he stopped when he realized what he just did. He peered to see Leader's face looking rather taken aback. "Jeez, I was only trying to help you but I guess you don't need it." Leader said with a sigh. "Wait.. a-are you upset?" Kokichi asked in a panic. "Nope!" Leader responded with a smile. "But.." "it's just shocking to see you yell all the sudden, for once you don't look pathetic." Leader responded as he walked away. He opened the closet where his case lay. This was the first time Kokichi saw Leader willingly walk to his case.

Kokichi continued a little more to search for the item but eventually gave up. He wasn't going to find it. He slinked in front of the drawer and looked down. He began to reevaluate the events from yesterday, how he snapped at his mother and step father. The empowerment felt so weird to him, it almost made him feel like a terrible person. He couldn't believe that it was him that was doing all the talking. Kokichi looked at his bandaged hands. His mother had a point, what happened to him?

Well the answer was simple really, Leader happened. Yet Kokichi just snapped at him. He should be thankful, at the same time he had the right to be angry. His feelings continued to conflict one another, ambivalence slapping him on both cheeks. He felt that he should be proud of yesterday but at the same time, he felt that he should be ashamed.

Right when he felt himself about to explode, he felt something being draped over his shoulders. He then felt a hat being positioned on his head. He looked back to see Leader humming as he adjusted the articles of clothing on Kokichi. "Wh.. w-what are you doing..?" Kokichi asked. Leader just ignored him. "Look in the mirror." He just simply instructed with a smile. Kokichi reluctantly listened and walked to the dirty mirror in his room. He saw the reflection of himself wearing a cape and hat, the same ones Leader was wearing when he entered in. "Cool, isn't it?" Leader asked. Kokichi just nodded in confusion, not saying a word.

"Hey! Take off your clothes!" Leader than suddenly instructed with a sparkle in his eyes. "W-w-why?!" Kokichi asked. Leader didn't listen as he began to take off his own clothing. What was he doing?! Kokichi noticed that he even wore boxers, though they were much too trendy than the ones Kokichi wore. Leader handed his clothes to Kokichi. "Y-you want me to change into these?" Kokichi asked and Leader nodded enthusiastically. Kokichi obeyed and went to the bathroom to change.

When he came back, Leader continued to look at him with sparking eyes. "Wooow~ you look lame~" he said with a cheer. "Eh?!" Kokichi replied. Leader laughed. "Nishishi, I was lying! You look cool!" He replied. Kokichi looked in the mirror. He then looked back at Leader. "W-what's with this..?" He asked. "Just curious." Leader replied with a smile. Kokichi seriously didn't get him. Kokichi continued to look at the mirror in utter confusion. "Do you like it? Do you feel strong~?" Leader asked. Kokichi nodded. "I-I look exactly like you, so o-of course.." he replied sheepishly. Leader frowned.

"Why are you stuttering again?" He asked. "I don't know.." Kokichi replied quietly. "Is it because you're all paranoid about doing something wrong last night?" Leader asked with a mocking grin. "N-no..!" Kokichi replied in panic. Leader pouted. "Liar liar! Pants on fire!" He said with a disapproving tone. "You're one to talk." Kokichi grumbled. "There we go~ that's soooo much better~" Leader cheered. "Eh?" Kokichi replied again in confusion. "You know, you really told them right, I don't know why you have to act all guilty all the time." Leader said in a sudden serious tone. "W-well, I'm not used to it.." Kokichi responded. "Well, grow used to it. You're going to need it." Leader simply replied. Kokichi reluctantly nodded. "Okay.." he replied. "You can change back now." Leader then said in a bored tone. Kokichi obeyed and went to change back into his school uniform.

"So what was that all about..?" Kokichi asked. "Well, I never stutter so I was trying to make you dress like me in hopes to discourage you for a moment." Leader explained. "That doesn't make much sense.." Kokichi replied. "Well it doesn't make sense because it failed! Jeez, I was trying to make you feel better by trying to let you imagine being me for a moment!" Leader replied in a defensive tone. "S-sorry.." Kokichi replied. "It's fine." Leader said with a sigh. Then he grinned.

"I really do hope I see that side of you again soon~" he said to Kokichi. "Eh?! B-but why..? All I've done is upset people.." Kokichi replied. "Because.." Leader began as he put a finger to his own face.
"That side of you is interesting." Leader replied with a grin.

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