It really was good seeing you again

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(TW: It's not really specific but let's just say that pregame Shuuichi does uh... really questionable things that can make someone uncomfortable)

Leader was having another one of his days just exploring and goofing about. Though he quickly got bored and fed up. There was nothing to really do. He tried to watch the TV in Kokichi's room but nothing seemed intriguing. He tried to snoop through Kokichi's stuff but found nothing of interest. Leader slumped onto his case in defeat.

That is until he heard voices from outside the window. Kokichi had a rather big window near his bed. Leader crawled onto the bed and peeked out. He saw Kokichi with... Shuuichi?

Leader couldn't make out the conversation but he felt a grin occur on his face. He saw Kokichi heading to the house, waving off at Shuuichi. Leader focused his eyes on Shuuichi and tried to note the route he went. Leader quickly scrambled to get whatever piece of paper Kokichi had in his room as well as a random writing utensil and tried to make a map out of his small knowledge of the neighborhood. His eyes never leaving Shuuichi. "Bingo." He said to himself with a smile when Shuuichi seemed to have reached close to his home.

Kokichi entered in the room and leader put everything down and sat on the bed casually. "Oh man it was so fun without you!" Leader said with a smile. "I-is that really t-true..?" Kokichi asked, his eyes wide. Great, now Leader felt guilty. "No! It's a lie! It's good to see that you at least doubted me. Y'know since you are already familiar with the concept of lying." Leader praised with a smile. "It was super boring without you." He then added. He saw Kokichi sigh in relief.

"Hey Leader, What is that..?" Kokichi suddenly asked as he pointed at the paper and pencil sitting by the window. "This? Just some stuff that I won't tell you about~ but hey! I have a question!" Leader answered with another question, clearly not interested in explaining his intentions. Kokichi didn't say anything but he gave him an anticipating look.

"So your friend." Leader began, leaning in as he put his hand next to his mouth and hushing down his voice. "Did he get his prize yet?" Leader finished. Kokichi recalled and nodded. "Yeah I-I think he told me about it y-yesterday.." Kokichi answered. A grin came up on Leader's face. "Thank you~" he cheered as he leaned back. "W-what was that for..?" Kokichi asked. "Just wanted to confirm something! Since y'know, it would suck being the only person in this situation." Leader explained, looking out the window with a bored expression.

At least now he knew. He knew everything. And the best part, it's his favorite out of anyone.

Kokichi went to school the next day, hiding Leader's case and bidding him a good day. When Kokichi left, Leader emerged from his case. Leader put away the string that he used every time to wind himself and got up. He wondered if he could have some fun today. However, he needed to go in secret, not wanting Kokichi to get into trouble. Leader never saw it but sometimes, he would hear it from the safety of his case. Sometimes it would last so long that his clockwork would start to unwind and he would sleep hearing nothing but suffering.

Leader put on his cape and hat that were cleverly hidden in his case. He should show these to Kokichi sometime but now that wasn't what he needed to think of. Leader continued to fish through Kokichi's things until he found a medical mask. Kokichi probably wore this whenever he had a cold. Leader put it on and took a pin before heading out. Leader looked back at the room's door and smiled before he lock picked the door open.

Leader managed to memorize a lot of things. He managed to memorize the time when Kokichi would start heading home as well as the route that Shuuichi lived. Leader stood in front of Kokichi's home before starting to wander around the neighborhood. He didn't have the exact number to the house or anything so he could just go with a lucky guess, though it can be risky. He stood and tried to think to himself for a moment. If Leader could recall, he vaguely remembered seeing Shuuichi head to the left corner, though it wasn't for sure since the windows of each house could only display so much.

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