Your Dad is a Murderer

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An ear splitting pain rose through his head. His back felt as though someone had taken a club to it, and somewhere there was a bright light that burned his eyes. Where was he? Ethan opened his eyes and blinked a few times until as they adjusted to the brightness. Confused, he looked around a windowless room. A mattress lay on the floor. There was storage shelf up against a wall with random items packed into it.

Ethan tried to retrace his steps, wondering how he ended up in this place, but he couldn't remember anything. The last thing he knew, there was a strange man walking towards him.

Ethan concentrated on his surroundings. The walls were a dark shade of grey, and the floors matched them. On the ceiling hung large lamps that flooded the room with light and flickered on and off. It was freezing within the creepy room. An uninviting grey door led outside.

He crawled ever so carefully towards the door. He grabbed hold of the knob and twisted it. The door didn't open, but he tried again and again until he was shaking with anger and fear.

"Lemme outta here!" Ethan yelled as loud as his lungs would let it. "I wanna go home!" He kicked at the door, but nothing happened. "I want my dad!"

Hoping to find any clue about his whereabouts, he searched the room. The only thing he found was his schoolbag. Desperately, he settled down next to his bag and buried his face in his arms.

Hours, if not a full day passed by, but nothing happened. He had no food and nothing to drink. He had already eaten the lunch his dad had packed for him and the water bottle he carried with him had been empty for quite a while.

Suddenly there was a loud rustle from behind the door. Ethan instinctively grabbed his schoolbag and held it tightly against his chest. A man entered the room.

"Hello Ethan. Don't worry, you're safe now."

Ethan said nothing, watching every movement of the man until his gaze wandered to the open door. He stood up with a jerk. He ran as fast as he could to the door, but the person grabbed him and threw him back into the room.

"Help me!" Ethan screamed, "Let me go! Help! I want my dad!"

The man grabbed rope and tied his hands together. Ethan struggled, but the man's grip was too the man placed tape over his mouth.

"Listen. If you obey, nothing happens to you, understand?" He said and Ethan nodded.

"Well, then we have clarified that," he grumbled, "Your father doesn't want you anymore."

Immediately Ethan tries to speak, against the tape. The man noticed it and peeled it off, because he wanted to see the child's reaction.

"No way! You lie! My daddy loves me. He would never send me away!" Ethan yelled in defiance, "My dad will find me and put you in jail!"

The man laughed, "Believe me, he won't fetch you. He's a fucking dirty cop."

"Not my Dad! He is the best."

"Oh yeah? Your father killed kids. He is a murderer and he has finally realized that he can't look after a child. Luckily, I got you,otherwise he'd kill you one day, and we both don't want that, right?"

"You lie! He has never killed anyone!" Ethan yelled.

"For sure? He was in the Army. He was at war and is now a cop. Of course he has killed people. It's his job."

"No! Not my dad! I want home!" Ethan yelled.

"You'll see," he grinned greasily, putting down a camcorder next to the boy and leaving the room. Ethan tried to scream for help, but nobody heard him.

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