No day like any other

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Jay sat at the kitchen table. Leaning back in his chair. He ran his hands helplessly through his hair. He closed his eyes and let his emotions run wild.

He could not imagine why Danny Corson suffered so much on Ben's birthday. Of course he knew that the day would never be easy for the Corson family. The loss of a child is never easy.

But now he also knew why - you are reminded of what you lost too soon. He knew there was little chance of finding his son today, but still Erin brought a chocolate cake with 8 candles. Now he also knew how Gail felt when she threw away a whole cake at the end of the day. Today is Ethan's 8th birthday, but Jay was not in party mood, how is he supposed to celebrate when his son and birthday boy is missing? If he has to assume that Ethan is no longer experiencing his 8th birthday or is experiencing a lot of pain.

Sighing, he looked at the picture of him and his little son hanging on the fridge. With his thumb he stroked the letters of the Dog Tag, which he always carried with him since that day.

"Daddy!" Ethan squealed and hurried to Jay's bedroom, where he shakes him awake.

"Hey, buddy. What's going on?" Jay asked tiredly.

"There's a monster under my bed."

"A monster?" Jay asked suspiciously, "And what do we want to do now, Officer Ethan?"

Perplexed, Ethan shrugged and looked at his dad with his best puppy-eyes.

Jay knew what Ethan wanted out, but he was not a friend of the child sleeping with his parents.

"I think we should arrest the monster, huh?" Jay asked, getting up and sneaking into the hallway with Ethan.

Jay leaned his back against the wall. He stood beside the nursery door. Close behind him was Ethan. They formed a weapon with their hands. They communicate through facial expressions and gestures, because the monster should not suspect.

Ethan snuck in front of his dad, slowly opened the door and stepped in, "Chicago PD"

Jay tried to stay serious after that cute childish call, but he could not hide his big grin and laugh. He looked proudly at his son, who was looking for the monster.

Some days he recognized himself in this four-year-old boy. These are days like these when Ethan sees him as the greatest role model, where he is his hero.

"The monster is gone!" Ethan complained, crossing his arms and crouching furiously on the bed.

"That's not bad," Jay said and sat down beside him, "Sometimes the bad people will escape me, but then they will be arrested the next time."

"Yes, but I can't sleep when the monster is free to run," Ethan begged again with puppy dog eyes.

"You're a big boy, huh? This monster is more afraid of you than you are of him."

"But why was the monster under my bed when it's scared of me?" Ethan asked confused.

"Well, because you don't see him under the bed," Jay thought.

"I wish I were as fearless as you."

"Ethan. It's okay to be scared of anything," Jay took a deep breath, "I'm certainly not fearless. I'm afraid, too. Maybe not that a monster is under the bed, but other things."

"And what?" With big curious eyes he stared at his dad.

"You, Will, me... everything concerning our family, because I want to protect you."

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