Against the time

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Breathless, Erin and Jay looked at each other. Jay's heart was pounding on his chest. Silently, for fear the kidnapper might discover the phone, Erin put her arm around Jay for , they stared at the smartphone. They heard a light rustling, an unrecognizable deep voice and suddenly the loud screaming of a child was heard.

This scream made the cops freeze. Voight, Mouse, Adam, Kevin, Alvin, and Antonio stood rooted to the door. Never had they heard such a painful scream as if this man was stabbing the boy. The scream ended abruptly. There was nothing more to hear.

"Damn kid! Just wait, I'll get you!" roared the deep voice.

"Does that mean that Ethan escaped?" Adam asked curiously.

"Let's hope we find the boy first," Alvin said, glancing at Mouse.

"I'm still busy," he defended himself and hurried back behind his computer. He was busy with the virus, which was introduced into the mobile phone towers.

Erin took a deep breath, "Jay, that's a good sign and we'll find him on time, I promise."

"Did you hear his scream? He's scared to death and we can't do anything but listen." Jay sighed.

"I know, the more important that we will find him soon," Erin consoled her partner and then turned to her colleagues, "Ethan may have recognized a man. If the rough description is correct, our kidnapper will be Mike Richards. He is 44 years old and he drives a silver car," Erin explained, displaying a picture of the possible offender.

"All right. We'll take it." Adam said and disappeared with Kevin.


"Mike Richards?" Kevin asked, cutting the guy off and showing his mark. In no time the guy ran in the other direction. Adam reached out and hit the guy on the floor.

"Where do you want to go so fast?" Adam asked curiously and put on the handcuffs.

"I don't understand why everyone runs away from us." Kevin muttered.

"Us? He ran away from you." Adam laughed.

"We are black but very friendly." Kevin said slightly disappointed.

"Maybe he was afraid that you're the bad cop."

"I'd better leave that to you."

"Mike Richards. You're arrested on suspicion of child abduction..." Adam explained.


Atwater and Ruzek were about to lock the man in the cage when Jay came into the garage furiously, grabbed the guy by the collar and punched.

Atwater considered intervening, but on the other hand, this man kidnapped a 7-year-old boy 12 weeks ago. Ruzek remained without comment. He did not even dream of intervening.

"Jay! Have you completely lost your mind now!" Antonio roared, dragging his younger colleague away from the suspect.

"He kidnapped my son!" Jay hissed, trying to fend off Antonio's grip to hit the suspect again.

"Yeah. That's why you can't beat him to death!" Antonio yelled.

"What would you do if it was Diego, huh? You also preferred Voight's methods." Jay hissed.

"Still, you can't beat our suspect, or you don't want to find Ethan!" angrily, Antonio pushed his intrusive colleague against the wall and turned to Kevin and Adam, "Stop sitting around stupid! We have to find a child!"

Ruzek pulled himself up from the chair and dragged Mike Richards into the cage. Kevin, on the other hand, was on his way to inform Voight and Olinsky that Richards was in custody.

"Calm down, Jay. It's just a matter of time until we find Ethan," Antonio said.

"We don't have time," Jay growled.

"Ethan is a smart boy."


"I don't think this is the normal route of the interrogation," Richards noted as Voight and Olinsky took him on a nice trip to the silos.

"Who said we're normal cops?" Alvin asked, leaving room for action. Voight pulled Richards, who had handcuffs around, out of the car and pushed him into the mud.

"I'm reluctant to repeat myself. Where did you take this boy?" Voight gritted his teeth.

"I don't think my lawyer will tolerate your actions," he snapped.

"You don't seriously think you'll get out of here alive, do you?" Voight hissed.

"It's best to shovel your grave," Alvin said, who was eating a banana.

"You won't kill me," he laughed disgustingly.

"That's what you think," muttered Voight, "Where's the boy?"

"I don't know if my memory works so well. But interesting, how long you had to look for me. Your investigator instinct is very rusty."

Hank Voight, who is reluctant to be provoked, did not hesitate and shot him in the shoulder, "In your place I would watch what you say. Unfortunately, I don't understand a lot of fun."

"He's not kidding," Alvin said.

"If you shoot me, you won't find the boy. You need me."

"Oh, don't worry about that." Alvin mumbled, chewing.

"You have two options. Either you unpack now and tell us where you've taken the boy or our folk will find out and I'll shoot you," Hank said.

"You would like that!" he laughed and Hank didn't hesitate long after a text message from Mouse...

Do you think Voight really shot him? Let me know what you think! Yeah, I know this chapter was really short but the next one is longer!

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