Late Jealousy

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"Chicago PD!" Dawson yelled and kicked the door. Inside the huge building, they divided themselves back into their teams. Ready to fire, they searched room after room with flashlights.

"Come here. Look at this," Erin said, kneeling down and pointing to a small trail of blood. In Jay, the anger built up. He clenched his hands unobtrusively into fists. This bastard will get to know him, because if the blood belongs to his boy, he has thus signed his death sentence. No one hurts his child and just gets away with it...

Always ready to fire, Jay quickly followed the blood trail. Erin and Antonio were close behind him.

"Ethan?" Jay shouted hoping he would answer, "Ethan?!" but nothing happened. In him the fear came up. What if his son was unconscious?

"Be quiet," Antonio said, and they listened to the silence. Jay was about to argue that this would not help when they heard a soft sound.

"It came from the back," Erin muttered.

"Jay!" Antonio admonished his younger colleague who was about to run. Antonio shook his head and gestured to understand that Jay should keep his cover. Carefully they approached the corner, where they just barely heard a soft sound. Jay flashed the flashlight into the room. Everywhere old office furniture and materials lay around. Again they heard a small sob. Slowly, Jay moved around the room, "Ethan?" he asked gently.

A small figure stood slowly behind a desk and looked into the glow of the flashlight. Blood dripped down his face, knees open, his clothes dirty and wet.

"Daddy!" but before Ethan had a chance to run to his dad, the kidnapper grabbed him. He pulled Ethan up like a shield and pointed the gun at his head.

"Nice to see you, Jay. It's been a long time," he grinned.

"Dulaney?" Jay asked in surprise as he recognized the man. Meanwhile, Antonio hurried to the side of Jay and also aimed his gun at the man, "Let the boy go!"

Erin, on the other hand, secured the door. She wanted to let Voight know, but Dulaney said, "I'm warning you. If only one of you calls for help, the boy will die."

She knew she could not risk it. Jay would forever blame her for Ethan's death. "It's okay," Erin threw her gun and radio away.

"You better do the same," Dulaney instructed. After a brief eye contact with Jay, Antonio also laid his weapon on the ground.

"What do you want?" Jay asked curiously. His eyes are always on Ethan, who stood shaking in fear in front of Dulaney. He wanted nothing more than to finally take Ethan in his arms. He wanted Ethan to be safe.

"What I want?" He asked angrily and pressed the gun to Ethan's forehead, "You destroyed my life, Jay Halstead!"

"I can say the same about you now." Jay hissed, who was puzzled why Phil Dulaney should kidnap his son. Dulaney and he were stationed together in Afghanistan. Anna, Ethan's Mom, was a paramedic. Both Jay and Phil fell in love with her. At that time, Jay did not take the jealousy of his comrade seriously. Finally, Anna and Jay became a couple. After the news of being a father, Jay quit his job later, attended the police academy, and became a cop to stay close to his child.

"You have taken everything from me!" he hissed, "You took my girlfriend and the child from me!"

Jay stopped and looked at him with surprised looks, his mouth half open. The child? Which child? His child?

"There you're speechless," he hissed. "You just ran away, leaving your former friend in Afghanistan and start a secret family in Chicago."

Erin looked at her irritated partner. She knew right away that Jay could not believe what he was hearing.

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