little stark {peter parker}

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peter's pov

i try not to stare at her too much

i don't want her to catch me in the act or make her feel uncomfortable

and i'm not just staring at her because she's beautiful, mr. stark gave me directions on watching over her and keeping her safe

and i don't want to let him down

i won't let him down

y/n's pov

my dad left on his mission this morning, but didn't say i couldn't go to school or anything which is odd

it's also weird that he didn't send anyone to protect me, especially since almost everyone know's i'm his daughter

so, i keep my guard up and walk to lunch

out of the corner of my eye, i see peter, watching me as always

but he stares so intensely at me like it's his job or something- wait that could be it

he could be the one that's watching over me

but he is really small..maybe he has superpowers?

i decide to test him

i walk past his table, books in my hands, pretending to trip and fall

i instantly feel warm arms around my waist that never let me hit the ground

peter steadies me on my feet, my books still in my hands, as he looks at me, worried "are you okay?"

i smile and nod "yeah, thank you"

he smiles "your welcome"

i lean close to his ear and whisper "meet me by my locker at the end of the day"

when i pull away, i see him blushing, as he nods

i send him another smile as i walk away, hearing his friend freak out

peter's pov

i feel flustered about what just happened, but then reality sinks in

what if she suspects that i have powers?

what if she thinks i do because i caught her?

ugh, i shouldn't of done that

but i couldn't just let her fall either

what if i can't deny her?

oh my gosh, mr. stark is going to kill me


y/n's pov

i stand by my locker, as it is now the end of the day

after a few minutes, i see peter walking over to me, his friend following and it seems like they are arguing

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