meeting him at a party {spiderman}

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my best friend liz, is no doubt, the most popular girl in this school

making me kind of popular

anyways, she's having this party tonight and i didn't want to go, but ned said that peter knew spiderman and that he can get spiderman to show up, so i decided to go

even if he doesn't show up, maybe peter will still be there


"come on, y/n" liz says "relax and quit looking for that nerd"

she's already tipsy

"he's not a nerd" i say

"that's like saying i'm not popular" 

i roll my eyes at her, knowing this is how she gets when she's drunk

i decide to dance for a little while

i see flash walking/dancing his way over to me, but i don't stop him because i'm trying to focus on someone other than peter parker for a change

we dance for a few songs when i hear someone yell "woah, it's spiderman"

i get off the dance floor, feeling flash follow me, but i don't care

i walk into the living room and see spiderman hanging upside down from a web

i smile and walk through the crowd, looking for peter

i'm too busy trying to find him, when i accidentally bump into spiderman

of course i did, just my luck

i step back, blushing "uh, sorry. i was just looking for someone"

he jumps off his web and lands right-side up on his feet

"who were you looking for?" he asks, walking closer to me

i blush and look down "i was looking for peter parker"

"oh yeah, i know him" he says, not taking his eyes off of me

i feel my face light up "do you know where he is?"

he nods "he will be showing up in a few minutes" he then looks at everyone else "it's been fun, but i've got crime to fight"

everyone 'boo's as i wave. he waves back and i smile as i watch him walk out the door

everyone clears out of the room as they go back to dancing and drinking

i suddenly feel warm arms wrap around my waist

i look up and see flash smiling at me

"i'll forgive you just this once for asking about penis parker" he says

i roll your eyes "let go of me flash"

"come on, don't be like that" he says, keeping his arms where they are at

"let go of me" i scream louder, hoping for someone to hear me

"y/n-" he gets cut off by peter walking into the room

"get off her" peter says looking intimidating

flash rolls his eyes, but lets go of me

he walks closer to peter "she's fine with me, so leave parker"

"obviously not if she's yelling for you to let go of her"

flash throws a punch but peter moves causing flash to miss

peter then throws a punch directly in flash's face

i cringe at the sound of the impact, but smile knowing that peter was defending me

flash holds his nose and walks past peter yelling "this isn't over parker"

peter rolls his eyes before looking at me

i run over to him and wrap my arms around him as he wraps his arms around me, tightly

"thank you" i whisper

he loosens his arms and looks at me "your welcome"

"it's just that, i can't help but think of what might've happened if you didn't come in time. or what he-"

peter cuts me off "shhh, don't worry about that now. i'm here now and you're safe"

i nod, feeling really safe in his arms

i see ned and liz walk into the room. their faces are priceless when they see peter and i still in each other's embrace

"i told you" ned says

liz throws her arm in the air, completely wasted "yeah, y/n. get your man"

i feel my cheeks heat up as she disappears with ned

i look back at peter and see him staring at me with a cute smile on his lips

"i heard you were asking where i was" he says

this causes me to blush more "well, i-" i stop and think 'am i really going to do this?' i look at his adorable smile and think 'yes, i am' "i wanted to find you so that i could do this"

i smash my lips onto his and he kisses me back with so much lust and desire

my hands find his curly hair and get tangled in it as his hands remain on my waist

i take my hands out of his hair and place them on his hands, pushing them the whole way down to my butt

i break away from the kiss to whisper "don't be afraid to touch me"

i see him smile before i reattach our lips

let's just say that he wasn't afraid to touch me that night or any other night


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