center of attention {spiderman}

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"i can't believe she was on the news and everything" someone whispers

"it's not fair that she's dating spiderman" another whines

"she is so lucky"

"i wish i could be her"

y/n this and y/n that

my name is heard every five seconds in this stupid hallway

it makes me claustrophobic, feeling as if their words are walls that are slowly closing me in

i feel a warm hand on my back and hear a familiar voice in my ear "shhh, it's okay. just breathe"

i know it's peter and i immediately feel myself calming down

i smile up at him as he smiles down at me

"thank you" i whisper

"your welcome, y/n" he says

god, i want to reach up and kiss those lips, but i can't

not here anyways

peter wraps an arm around my shoulder as he walks with me to lunch

i try to block out everything, but it doesn't work

"what a slut"

"she is literally dating a superhero and she's hanging out with that"

"i can't believe she would cheat on spiderman with him, ew"


peter sits next to me at our usual lunch table

"they're just words" he whisper to me "they are meaningless"

i nod, slowly

mj and ned sit in front of us, big smiles on both their faces

"dude, you are the talk of the school" mj says to me

i sigh and nod

"why are you not happy?" ned asks, confused

"it's like my anxiety formed into several people and start swarming me"

"that sucks" mj says as ned nods

"but anyways, it's so cool that you're dating spiderman" ned practically screams

i see peter laughing next to me and i playfully bump him

"even though i'm mad that you didn't tell me" mj adds

i shake my head "he didn't want anyone to know. it was an accident that we were both on the news"

they both nod, slowly

"have you seen him without his mask?" ned asks

"so what does he look like?" mj asks

"do we know him?" ned asks

"is he hot?" mj asks

i laugh "yes, i've seen him without his mask , but i can't tell or describe who he is or what he looks like"

they both frown

"but he is hot. like smoking hot" i say

this puts huge smiles on their faces as they practically jump out of their seats

as they're freaking out and not paying any attention to me, i look over at a blushing peter, and send him a wink making him blush harder


peter and i walk into his apartment, trying to sneak past may but she stops us

"y/n, i saw you on the news with spiderman" she says excitedly

i nod

"h-" i cut her off

"yes, i've seen him with his mask off. he's my age. no, i can't tell you what he looks like or who he is, but he's smokin hot"

she nods, taking all the information in

finally she says "that is so cool"

i laugh and follow peter to his room

as soon as we shut the door, may opens it

"i'm running some errands so i'll probably be gone for several hours. i would say don't do anything crazy, but i mean y/n is dating spiderman so i won't have to worry about that. um okay bye"

we wait for the apartment door to close before we start talking

i sit on peter's bed and he walks over to me "are you okay?"

i take his hands and look up into his chocolate brown eyes "baby, i'm fine. i was just freaked out, but i'm worried about you"

"i'm fine" he whispers

i stand up, not letting go of his hands "no, you can't possibly be fine. everyone was talking about you like you weren't even a person. like you were a thing. i know how it must be killing you because you are spiderman and everyone is treating you like you are something they scraped off the bottom of their shoe"

he shrugs "i'm use to it"

i feel tears sting my eyes "but that's the thing, baby, you shouldn't be use to it. you shouldn't be treated that way. no one should. it breaks my heart, hearing what they are saying about you, and i just- " i stop as i feel a tear run down my cheek

peter lets go of my hands and delicately wipes the tear away

i smile, weakly at him as he leans down and places a kiss of my forehead

"baby, don't feel bad for me. and defiantly don't cry over me. i hate seeing you sad" he whispers

i nod and wipe my tears as an idea pops into my head

"put on your spiderman suit" i say

he looks at me confused "why?"

"i'm going to publicly break up with you"


pt. 2 --->

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