holland brothers {tom holland}

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i've always been close with the holland brothers

i'm tom's age, so we are really close, but i'm equally as close with the twins

and paddy is always out of the house hanging with his friends, so we don't really spend a lot of time with him

we are currently in our swimsuits, in the backyard, throwing water balloons at each other

"wait" i scream

they all pause, a water balloon in their hand

i laugh "we should battle, like on teams"

they all nod and tom walks over to me

"hey teammate" he says

"that's no fair, you guys always team up" sam complains

i smile "fine then, sam you're on my team"

sam smiles and walks over to me as tom playfully frowns down at me

"so you're just going to replace me that easily?" he asks

i smile and give him a hug "sorry tom" 

we both laugh as he walks over to harry

"gee, i'm glad that you're so excited to be on my team" harry teases

tom rolls his eyes as we resume the game


it's now the evening time

we've all dried off and i changed into my extra clothes

"how about we go out to eat, mom and dad left money" sam suggests

harry and tom nod as i awkwardly stand there

"i don't want to intrude" i say

"oh come on, y/n, if mom and dad found out that you were over and we didn't feed you, they'd kill us" tom says

i laugh and nod, knowing they would

we all decide on a chinese restaurant

we get seated at a round table

sam sits across from me, harry on my right and tom on my left

i sit on the uncomfortable chair and smile at everyone

the waiter takes out drink orders, his eyes lingering on me for too long

"i thought that they only hired chinese people to work here" sam whispers gesturing to our american waiter

i burst out laughing as tom scolds him "that i racist. now behave"

i lean over the table and fist bump sam "nice one"

he blushes and laughs

tom holland imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now