talking about spiderman {peter parker}

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i sit at the lunch table with mj, ned, and peter

ned brings up the topic about superheros and we've been discussing it since

"seriously, iron man is so cool" ned says

"he is hot" mj and i say at the same time causing us to both burst out laughing

"ooh, what about spiderman, y/n, i wonder what kind of hottie is hiding under that mask" mj says

i smile and roll my eyes at her "you are boy crazy"

"says the one who drools over captain america" mj fires back

i laugh and nod "i can't help that steve rogers is hot"

"who's your favorite superhero, peter?" ned asks

"uh, i don't know. i like them all" he mumbles

i turn my body towards him, as i am sitting next to him, and place my hand on his shoulder "you okay, pete?" 

he nods "i'm fine"

i didn't want to take that as an answer but i didn't want to push him either

so i turn back to ned and mj, hearing her still fantasize over spiderman

"come on, y/n you've got to agree with me" she whines

i laugh "okay, i do agree with you. it is hot seeing his body in that tight suit"

i blush, not believing i said that

mj laughs at me "see, now you get it"

i nod and laugh with her

i see ned looking at peter and laughing at him

i look at peter and see him blushing, but that's normal for peter, he almost always blushes

i lean into peter and place my head on his shoulder, scolding ned "don't laugh at peter, that's rude"

"yeah, leave the couple alone" mj says

i blush and take my head off of peter's shoulder, seeing him blushing as well

"you guys would be such a cute couple" ned screams

i laugh "calm down ned"

he rolls his eyes and laughs with me

peter's pov

when y/n didn't agree with mj,  i felt my heart sink

and when y/n announced that she had a crush on steve, i felt like i got punched in the gut

but i felt like i was on top of the world when she agreed that spiderman is hot and i quote 'it is hot seeing his body in that tight suit'

i could feel my cheeks burning as i tried to not get a boner in front of all of them and thankfully i didn't embarrass myself by getting one

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