spidergirl? {spiderman}

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just a fun fact about me, i have superpowers

but it's weird because another person has the same exact powers as me

he just so happens to go to my school and he got bit by the same spider that i got bit by

and before i knew what i had, i saw the news.

it said that a new superhero had appeared and his name was spiderman

so i took interest in him and found out that i could do what he could do

but i never put them to the test because i didn't have the courage to come out and randomly start saving people

that was until one day


i was minding my own business when two guys with masks and guns came in the store

"give up your money" they says pointing their guns at the cashier

the cashier refused, saying there wan't much in the register

i saw my chance and put my hood over my head, walking towards them

they both point their guns at me and then laugh

"what are you going to do little girl?" one asks

i smirk and roll up my sleeves

"you going to fight?" the other asks

i shot a web at the one, enclosing their hands together

the other looks at me, scared, as i do the same to him

i walk over to the counter and ask for a piece of paper and a pen

they give it to me after thanking me

i nod and write 'spiderman, meet me at the fire escape at midnight on *apartment building name* btw, your welcome'

i leave the store and walk home


it's 11:59, one minute til midnight

i was growing more nervous by the second

i sense someone on the roof and i turn around, standing up

i face spiderman, silently

"did you do that, in the store?" he asks

i shrug "i couldn't let them just rob the place"

"prove it"

i turn slightly away from him and shoot a web

i turn back to him "you know who i am, so why can't you take off your mask and face me. because i know who you are"

"no you don't"

i raise my eyebrow "oh really? peter parker"

i hear him sigh and watch him slowly remove his mask

"how'd you know and how is this possible?" he asks

"i saw you get bitten by the spider after i did and i wanted to help you, but i felt really tired all of a sudden and forgot. a few months later, you become spiderman and i realize that i can do all of the things that you can do"

i step closer to him, we are now only a foot away from each other

"i want to be like you peter, i want to be good and help people" i whisper

he smiles "i know someone who can help with that"


pt. 2 -->

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