hickeys {peter parker}

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my favorite thing to do, when peter and i are making out, is to give him hickies

i just can't help myself, i love giving them and seeing him with all the bites on him

it makes him look hot and lets girls know that he's taken, by me


"y/n" peter says looking in the mirror "how am i going to explain this to aunt may?"

i shrug, kissing his neck

he sighs and turns to me, kissing my lips

"i'll handle it" he whispers, kissing me again



peter comes up to my room, out of breath

i laugh at him "why are you panting like a dog?"

he smiles and plops on the bed next to me

"i can't handle it. i thought i could but i can't" he says

"handle what?" i ask

"my aunt. she's crazy"

tony bursts into the room "peter, your aunt is on the phone and wants to speak to you"

i take it from tony and put the phone up to my ear

"hello?" she says

"hi, aunt may, this is y/n"

"oh hi, y/n. are you the one leaving all those hickeys on peter?"

i laugh "yeah, sorry about that it's just that-" i look at the two of them, staring at me and walk outside "i love to give hickeys and seeing them just makes me happy"

i hear her laugh on the other side "i know what you mean. it is sexy to see a man that you are dating, with hickeys that you gave"

i smile "it really is"

it's quiet for a moment

"how about we make a deal" she suggests

"go on"

"you set me up on a date with your uncle and i won't say a word about peter's hickeys"

i laugh "it's a deal. i'll give him your number so he can set it up later"

"what if he doesn't want to" she says

"oh trust me, he thinks you are hot"

she laughs and i imagine her cheeks are all rosy

"okay, see you y/n"

"bye aunt may"

i hang up and walk back inside, to see tony and peter in the same place where i left them

"y/n, i don't like you giving peter hickeys" tony starts

i roll my eyes and smile "how about you don't say anything about his and i won't say anything about yours"

he looks at me confused "but i don't have any"

"you don't have any yet" i say "aunt may said she won't say anything about peter's hickeys if you go out with her"

tony looks at me for a second, stunned "like on a date?"

i laugh "yeah. so go call her back"

he nods and runs out of the room

i look at peter and smile

"isn't it weird if they date? like what if they get married, then we would be related" peter says

i laugh "tony isn't my real uncle, but it's easier to call him that than my dead dad's best friend"

peter nods "oh right, sorry"

i laugh "it's okay" i crawl on top of him "plus with them busy, we can have more alone time"

he smiles and kisses my lips

and with that, there was not a single word shared for the rest of the night


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