you idiot {spiderman}

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to say ned is a fan of spiderman is an understatement

to say i am a fan is, well-

"earth to y/n" ned says, waving a hand in front of my face

i snap back to reality looking at him "sorry, what did you say?"

he playfully rolls his eyes "i was saying that peter knows spiderman and is inviting him to liz's party tonight"

i smile, turning my attention to peter "is that true?"

he nods, slightly

"is it because of the stark internship?"

he nods with rosy cheeks

"that's so cool pete"

"yeah, i guess so"

"are you coming too?" ned asks

peter shrugs

i frown "you've got to come. it'll be fun"

he smiles "okay. i'll come. for you"


so far, the party is extremely lame and spiderman nor peter have showed up yet

"ned" i whine, sitting on the couch next to him "where is he?"

"i don't know, but he better show up soon. i want to meet him" he says, bouncing in his seat

"not spiderman, peter. he was suppose to be here already"

ned shrugs "maybe he got held up"

i sigh "maybe"

a few minutes past before i hear someone scream "spiderman"

ned and i bolt up, walking through the crowd of people and to the front, trying to get a look

my eyes widen when i see him

it doesn't feel real to be standing this close to him

"shoot a web" someone shouts from the back

without a second thought, he shapes his hand and shoots a web making everyone cheer

in seconds, i'm being pulled into spiderman, a web attached to my shirt

i look up at him, smiling widely


he laughs "hi beautiful" 

i can't help but blush

he reaches his gloved hand to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear

i smile, lost in thought, my mind wandering to-

i blink out of the trance, looking up into his robotic eyes

tom holland imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now