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DragsholmCastle, Sealand, is one of Denmark's best known haunted castles. The castle was constructed during the 12th century by Bishop of Roskilde. When it was completed it became the home to royalty and nobles.

Stories of ghosts and weird sounds are plenty as with all other castles from this period. Dragsholm with its owngloomy and horrifying history is no exception to the rule and comes complete with three ghosts.


The first of these is the Grey Lady who is supposedly said to be that of a maiden employed with in the castle. She was struck down by a toothache which left her in great pain. The distressed and troubled maiden, sort help and eventually the toothache was gone. It is said that she returns to the castle each night to make sure everything is in order as a sign of thanks to those that helped cure her pain.

  It is said that she returns to the castle each night to make sure everything is in order as a sign of thanks to those that helped cure her pain

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        The second ghost is the White Lady and the most tragic of the three

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The second ghost is the White Lady and the most tragic of the three. The story involves a young girl (a daughter of one of Dragsholm castle's former owners) who for her sins fell in love with a worker at the castle. Because of their legacies, she of noble birth and he a commoner, had to keep their love for each other secret from her father. This continued for some time until the day the girl's father found out about the whole affair. He went into a violent rage and ordered his servants to lock her away and incarcerate her within the walls of the castle. During the early part of the 20th century workers were tearing down some old walls for a new toilet complex. To their horror they found a small recess in one of walls which contained a small skeleton wearing a white dress. Her spirit has been seen roaming the corridors of the castle.

        The third and last ghost is that of the Earl of Bothwell, who was also held prisoner inside DragsholmCastle for 5 years during the 1500's

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The third and last ghost is that of the Earl of Bothwell, who was also held prisoner inside DragsholmCastle for 5 years during the 1500's. It is said that the Earl turned crazy and he died in 1578. The Earl has been seen riding into the courtyard of the castle with his horse and carriage. Many visitors claimed to have heard the horses hoof beats upon the cobbled yard.

In recent years a group ofparapsychologists from the United States undertook some investigative work into the so-called activities within the castle's walls. Their findings had shown that in some areas of the castle that there were extreme amounts of radio and electrical activity.

The castle came into the ownership of the Bottger family in 1937, and they have since converted it into a hotel.

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