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Set against the background of romantic Venice, on the lake is an island called Poveglia island, one of the many islands in the lagoons of Venice, but Poveglia has a much less romantic history in the stark contrast to its surroundings. The island is a cancerous growth on the beauty of lake as the lapping water licks away on the skeletal remains of the long dead, and is regarded as one of the most haunted locations on the planet and also one of the most evil places in the world. No this is not a joke! Because of its obscurity no one visits to harvest the vineyards and even fishermen steer clear of the island.

During the outbreak of the bubonic plague in the Roman times, it was so severe that the authorities panicked and used Poveglia island as a waste ground for the diseased bodies. Even those with mild symptoms were hauled from their homes to the islands. Children and even babies showing mild symptoms were taken from their mothers and taken to the island. Here the dead were dumped into large pits and buried or burned, and even those who were still alive. The estimated number of plague victims that saw this tiny island were estimated as 160 000. The soil on the island, combined with the charred remains of some of the bodies formed a layer of sticky ash on the land. The top layer of ash has dried in the sun to a fine dust that swirls in the breeze and catches in lungs. The core of the island consists of human remains. As if this isn't bad enough already things for the island turn for the worst.

In the early 1920's they decided to built a mental hospital on this island. Already in a feeble minded state the patients started seeing ghosts while in the hospital, and was kept awake all night hearing the tortured wails of the suffering spirits. Because of their conditions, and as this was seen as just another symptom of their feeble mindedness severe lobotomies were performed to "cure" them by using hand drills, chisels and hammers. Some patients were also subjected to inhumane horrors in the bell tower. This happened until the doctor himself began to see the tortured plague ridden spirits of the island. As legend has it they led him to the bell tower where he jumped to the grounds. But the fall alone did not kill him according to a nurse, but as he lay on the ground in pain, a mist came out of the ground and choked him to death. The hospital closed down after that.

A few people have dodged the light police patrol that guards the island, and all have sworn to never again return. They all claimed the moans and screams that reverberate around the island are unbearable. There is a feeling of the most intense evil, and one misguided thrill-seeker, upon the hospital was told, "Leave immediately and do not return."

The Italian government owned the island but it was sold at a later stage. The owner who bought it abandoned it in the 1960's and was the last person to try and live there until a family recently sought to buy the island and build a holiday home on it, but the left after the first night that they spent there and refused to make comments on what happened. The only fact known is that their daughter's face was ripped open by something unseen and she required fourteen stitches.   

Even today Poveglia remains uninhabited and tourism to the island is strictly forbidden. Several psychics have visited the island though, but all of them left scared senseless of what they had sensed there. Remember, that these people are accustomed to paranormal activity. Because it is so haunted it would have been a great treat to write about the actual hauntings and investigation reports, but because the island is so incredibly haunted there is little information about it.

What I do know is that it looks like there is a project to develop the place into a tourist resort. Now blend that in with the island's dark history and horrible hauntings and voila! You have a spectacular idea for a story.

  Now blend that in with the island's dark history and horrible hauntings and voila!  You have a spectacular idea for a story

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